Trench Songs

Es werden Texte von 17 Soldaten-Liedern bereitgestellt, die von britischen Soldaten im Ersten Weltkrieg gesungen wurden: 'It's a long way to Tipperary'; 'Bombed last night'; 'Good-bye- ee'; 'Never Mind'; 'Three German Officers crossed the Rhine'; 'Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire'; 'I wore a Tunic'; 'Old Joe Whip'; 'Hush, here comes a Whizzbang'; 'When this lousy war is over'; 'Whiter than the Whitewash'; 'Oh it's a lovely war!'; 'The Bells of Hell'; 'I want to go home'; 'Far, far from Wipers'; 'I don't want to join the Army'; 'We are Fred Karno's army'
Hosting / Distributor

Oxford University: Oxford, UK <>




United Kingdom

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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