Agnes Kelemen (M.A.)


Central European University

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Ph.D. candidate in Comparative History


Monographs (and dissertation)


2017 Ágnes Katalin Kelemen. „A numerus clausus száműzöttjei. Magyar
orvostanhallgatók külföldön. (The Exiles of the Numerus Clausus.
Hungarian Medical Students Abroad.)” In Szombat Vol. XXIX. (2017),
No. 1. pp. 9-12.

2015 Agnes Katalin Kelemen. “The Semaphore of Mobility: Hungarian Jewish
Press and Peregrination to Fascist Italy.” In Annali di Storia delle
Università Italiane. Vol. XIX. (2015), No. 2. pp. 41-53.

2015 Ágnes Katalin Kelemen. “The Exiles of the Numerus Clausus in Italy.”
In Judaica Olomucensia 1 (2014). pp. 56-103.

2014 Ágnes Katalin Kelemen. “Visszapillantás a toronyőrre. Bálint
Györgyről. (The Tower Watchman in Retrospect. György Bálint.)” In
„Zsidó” identitás-képek a huszadik századi magyar irodalomban
(“Jewish” Identities in Twentieth Century Hungarian Literature). Edited
by Gábor Schein and Teri Szűcs. Budapest, ELTE Eötvös Kiadó. pp. 91-

Edited volumes

2014 Ármin Bálint. Feljegyzések Gyuri fiam részére. Napló 1944-ből. (Notes
for My Son, Gyuri. A Diary from 1944.) Foreword and notes by Ágnes
Katalin Kelemen. Budapest, Múlt és Jövő, 2014.

List of publications (Url)

Areas of research

Social History, Jewish Studies, East Central European History, Comparative History

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic