Monographien (und Dissertation)
The Monographic Factor: Theoretical and Architectural Aspects of Signle-Artist Museums (PhD dissertation, Ghent University, 2013)
Liefooghe, Maarten. 2017. “On Rotating Positions in Archaeology, Art, and Architecture : Grindbakken.” Ed. Antonia Thomas, Daniel Lee, Ursula Frederick, and Carolyn White. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 4 (2): 138–147.
Liefooghe, Maarten. 2016. “Exhibits That Matter : Material Gestures with Theoretical Stakes.” In This Thing Called Theory, ed. Teresa Stoppani, Giorgio Ponzo, and George Themistokleous, 12:157–167. Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge.
Liefooghe, Maarten, and Maarten Van Den Driessche. 2016. “In Defense of the post-Autarkic Museum.” In Cave 1—Territories, ed. Els Silvrants-Barclay and Pieternel Vermoortel, 1:159–169. Berlin and Ghent: Sternberg Press and Contemporary Art Heritage Flanders (CAHF).
Liefooghe, Maarten. 2015. “On the Reality Effect of Superfluous Biographical Details and Objects: Revisiting the Artist’s Museum with Roland Barthes.” In Die Biographie : Mode Oder Universalie? Zu Geschichte Und Konzept Einer Gattung in Der Kunstgeschichte, ed. Beate Böckem, Olaf Peters, and Barbara Schellewald, 7:215–224. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
Liefooghe, Maarten. 2013. “14, Rue De La Rochefoucauld: The Partial Eclipse of Gustave Moreau.” In Hiding Making, Showing Creation : the Studio from Turner to Tacita Dean, ed. Rachel Esner, Sandra Kisters, and Ann-Sophie Lehmann, 86–105. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press.
Liefooghe, Maarten. 2012. “The 1996 Architecture Biennale: The Unfulfilled Promise of Hans Hollein’s Exhibition Concept.” Ed. Véronique Patteeuw, Tom Vandeputte, and Christophe Van Gerrewey. Oase (delft) (88): 54–60.
Liefooghe, Maarten, and Stefaan Vervoort. 2012. “Een Revelerend Gesprek: De Figuren Van Thomas Schütte in Het Huis Van Robbrecht & Daem.” De Witte Raaf 27 (158): 8–9.
Liefooghe, Maarten. 2011. “The Musealisation of the Artist’s House as Architectural Project.” In Casa D’artisti : Tra Universo Privato e Spazio Pubblico : Case Di Artisti Adibite a Museo = Zwischen Privatem Kosmos Und Öffentlichem Raum : Künstlerhaus-Museen, ed. Anita Guglielmetti, Gianna A Mina, and Sylvie Wuhrmann, 5:59–74. Ligornetto, Switzerland: Museo Vincenzo Vela.
Liefooghe, Maarten. 2009. “The Musee Gustave Moreau: Collecting Life and Work as Proof of a Genius’s Contribution to Art.” Journal of the History of Collections: 1–11.
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