Monographien (und Dissertation)
(2017) Laizität im Konflikt: Religion und Politik in Frankreich , Reihe: Politik und Religion, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
(2012, Paperback 2014, 2015) The Impact of European Integration on Political Parties: Beyond the Permissive Consensus, London: Routledge.
(2021) 'The Republic’s Inner Borders: Rethinking French Banlieues through Critical Border Studies', Journal of Borderland Studies. [peer-reviewed]
(2020) 'Kawéni hima/Kawéni lève-toi: Immigration, espace et identité dans un quartier sensible de Mamoudzou.’ Lendemains 45(178/179) , Dossier: Les frontières d’Europe dans l’océan Indien: Interventions culturelles autour de Mayotte (ed. Margot Brink): 59–68.
(2019) 'Integration, Diversität und Konflikt in einer pluralistischen Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Eine Replik', in Identitätslinke Läuterungsagenda. Eine Debatte zu ihren Folgen für Migrationsgesellschaften, ed. Sandra Kostner, Stuttgart: Ibidem, 75–88.
(2019) 'Cultural Retaliation: The Cultural Policies of the 'New' Front National', International Journal of Cultural Policy 25(3): 269–281. [peer-reviewed]
(2018) ‘Penser l’extrême droite en milieu rural. Un récit de deux France?’, Apropos – Perspektiven auf die Romania 1 (1): 13–32.
(2018) 'Redes transnacionais femininas: O caso de D. Estefânia', in Mulheres em rede/ Mujeres en red, Hrsg. Dimitri Almeida, Vanda Anastácio, und María Martos Pérez, Reihe: LIT Ibéricas, Berlin: LIT: 87–108.
(2018) mit Vanda Anastácio und María Martos Pérez: 'Mulheres em rede: Pensar redes no feminino', in Mulheres em rede/ Mujeres en red, Hrsg. Dimitri Almeida, Vanda Anastácio, und María Martos Pérez, Reihe: LIT Ibéricas, Berlin: LIT: 9–16.
(2018) 'Marianne at the Beach: The French Burkini Controversy and the Shifting Meanings of Republican Secularism', Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39(1): 20–34. [peer-reviewed]
(2017) 'Exclusionary Secularism: The Front National and the Reinvention of Laïcité', Modern and Contemporary France 25(3): 249–263. [peer-reviewed]
(2014) 'Decadence and indifferentiation in the ideology of the Front National', French Cultural Studies 25(2): 221–232. [peer-reviewed]
(2013) 'Towards a post-radical Front National? Patterns of ideological change and dédiabolisation on the French radical right', Nottingham French Studies 52(2): 167–176. [peer-reviewed].
(2010) 'Europeanized Eurosceptics? Radical right parties and European integration', Perspectives on European Politics and Society 11(3): 237–253. [peer-reviewed]
(2007) 'Der Front National: Analyse eines wahlpolitischen Überfalls', Lendemains 126/127: 63–70.
(2001) 'Jeanne d'Arc in den politischen Reden des Marechal Pétain', in Populism, Demagogie, Realism Politic Hrsg. Catalin Turliuc and Alexandru Zub, Iasi: Fundatia Academica A.D. Xenopol: 125–132. (Dimitri Keller de Almeida)
Herausgeberschaften und Editionen
[mit Vanda Anastácio und María Martos Pérez] (2018) Mulheres em rede/ Mujeres en red: Convergências lusófonas, Reihe: LIT Ibéricas, Berlin: LIT.
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