

Radboud Universität Nijmegen

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Prof. Mittelalterliche Geschichte (Assoc. Prof.)

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

- A Living Law: Minor Canonical Collections in the Carolingian Period (Gerda Henkel Stiftung: 2021-2023)
- SOLEMNE: The Social Life of Early Medieval Normative Texts (ERC: 2023-2028)


Monographien (und Dissertation)

- S. Meeder and E. Goosmann, Redbad: koning in de marge van de geschiedenis (Houten: Spectrum, 2018). [general audience book]
- S. Meeder, The Irish Scholarly Presence at St. Gall: Networks of Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018)


- ‘Irish Peregrinatio and Cultural Exchange’, Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo 66 (2019), pp. 427-451.
- ‘Monte Cassino’s Network of Knowledge: The Earliest Manuscript Evidence’, in: Elina Screen and Charles West (ed.), Writing the Early Medieval West. Studies in Honour of Rosamond McKitterick (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp. 131-45.
- ‘Irish Scholars and Carolingian Learning’, in: R. Flechner and S. Meeder (eds.), The Irish in Early Medieval Europe: Identity, Culture and Religion (London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp. 179-94.
(with Roy Flechner) ‘Controversies and Ethnic Tensions’, in: R. Flechner and S. Meeder (eds.), The Irish in Early Medieval Europe: Identity, Culture and Religion (London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp. 195-213.
- ‘Power and Prayer: Monte Cassino and Carolingian politics around 800’, in: R. Meens, D. van Espelo, B. van den Hoven van Genderen, J. Raaijmakers, I. van Renswoude and C. van Rhijn (eds.), Religious Franks: Religion and power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in honour of Mayke de Jong (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016), pp. 279-95.
- ‘Biblical past and canonical present: the case of the Collectio 400 Capitulorum’, in: C. Gantner, R. McKitterick and S. Meeder (eds), The Resources of the Past in Early Medieval Europe (Cambridge, 2015), pp. 103-17.
- ‘Text and identities in the Synodus II S. Patricii’, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 98 (2012), pp. 19-45.
- ‘Boniface and the Irish heresy of Clemens’, Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture 80 (2011), pp. 251-80.
- ‘The Irish foundations and the Carolingian world’, Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo 57 (2010), pp. 467-93.
- ‘The Liber ex lege Moysi: notes and text’, Journal of Medieval Latin 19 (2009), pp. 173-218.
- ‘Defining doctrine in the Carolingian period: The contents and context of Cambridge, Pembroke College, MS 108’, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 13/2 (2005 – published 2008), pp. 133-51.
- ‘The early Irish Stowe Missal’s destination and function’, Early Medieval Europe 13 (2005), pp. 179-94.

Herausgeberschaften und Editionen

- R. Flechner and S. Meeder (eds), The Irish in Early Medieval Europe: Identity, Culture and Religion (London/New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016)
- C. Gantner, R. McKitterick and S. Meeder (eds), The Resources of the Past in Early Medieval Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015)

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