currently without affiliation
Germans in the Armed Conflicts of the Italian Risorgimento, 1834-1870
Researcher (PhD candidate)
Foreign Soldiers in the Risorgimento and Anti-Risorgimento : A Transnational Military History of Germans in the Italian Armed Groups, EUI Florence, 2014 (PhD thesis).
A New Military History of the Italian Risorgimento and Anti-Risorgimento: The Case of 'Transnational Soldiers', Modern Italy 19 (2014) / 1, pp. 21-39 [Winner of the 2014 Christopher Seton-Watson Memorial Price - Association for the Study of Modern Italy, UK].
German Volunteers in the Armed Conflicts of the Italian Risorgimento, in: Journal of Modern Italian Studies 14 (2009), S. 461-475.
All’interno e al di sopra dei ‚partiti‘. Tedeschi nelle forze armate italiane del Risorgimento (1834-1870), in: Andrea Ciampani (Hrsg.): L’Unità d’Italia in Europa, Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, Biblioteca Scientifica – Prospettive, Bd. III, Rom 2013, S. 309-337.
La fraternité d’armes des peuples. Champ sémantique fraternel et soldats transnationaux au cours de l’(Anti)Risorgimento, in: Catherine Brice (Hrsg.): Frères de sang, frères d'armes, frères ennemis. La fraternité en Italie (1820-1924), Collection de l'École française de Rome 529, Rom 2017, S. 129-147.
Geschichte Italiens im 19. Jahrhundert