The Margaret Sanger Papers Project


Katz, Esther / Hajo, Cathy Moran / Engelman, Peter C.

The Margaret Sanger Papers Project is a historical editing project sponsored by the Department of History at New York University. The Project was formed in 1985 to locate, arrange, edit, research, and publish the papers of the noted birth control pioneer. The Margaret Sanger Papers Project has published a two-series microfilm edition, the Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition: Smith College Collections Series and the Collected Documents Series. Work on the Smith College Collections entailed the rearrangement and organization of over 50,000 Sanger documents in the Margaret Sanger collection and seventeen other collections at the Sophia Smith Collection and Smith College Archives. Work on the Collected Documents Series included a ten-year international search of over 1,500 archives and private collections, photocopying material and organizing over 9,000 documents for publication. Both series have been published with a printed reel guide that includes an item-level index by University Publications of America. The Project is currently working on a four-volume book edition of Sanger's Papers, to be published by the University of Illinois Press and a series of electronic editions which will be published on the Internet and on CD-ROM. [self-description]
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Technische Bereitstellung

New York University: New York, US (NY) <>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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