Natalie Curtis Burlin (1875-1921): A Pioneer in the Study of American Minority Cultures


Bredenberg, Alfred R.

Web site of the Natalie Curtis Burlin Association, an online resource for historians, ethnomusicologists, folklorists, and other scholars and enthusiasts. Provides information about the life and work of Natalie Curtis Burlin (1875-1921) [self-description] At present the site offers an online-version of an article by Alfred R. Bredenberg on Natalie Curtis Burlin, which originally appeared in Connecticut Review of Spring 1994. Natalie Curtis became one of the best-known authorities of her time on American Indian art and culture. Besides her work as an author of studies of African-American and African music and culture, Curtis worked as an advocate of rights and education for Indians and black Americans.
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United States

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Thomas Meyer
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