Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" ist eine auf Rezensionen für die Geschichtswissenschaften fokussierte Suchmaschine, mit der Buchsprechungen aus Zeitschriften im Volltext durchsucht werden können. Sie berücksichtigt neuere fachwissenschaftliche Besprechungen, die im Web veröffentlicht wurden und ohne Zugangsbeschränkungen im Volltext zur Verfügung stehen.

Stand: 06.09.2021

Sortieren nach:
  • Strains of Dissent. Popular Music and Everyday Resistance in WWII France, 1940 - 1945
    Jakes, Kelly: Strains of Dissent. Popular Music and Everyday Resistance in WWII France, 1940 - 1945 (2019)
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  • The people of the river. nature and identity in black Amazonia, 1835-1945
    De la Torre, Oscar: The people of the river. nature and identity in black Amazonia, 1835-1945 (2018)
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  • Reproduction. antiquity to the present day
    Hopwood, Nick; Flemming, Rebecca; Kassell, Lauren (Hrsg.): Reproduction. antiquity to the present day (2019)
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  • The People's Zion. Southern Africa, the United States, and a Transatlantic Faith-Healing Movement
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  • Closed doors, open minds. British Jewry's secret disputations
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  • Closed doors, open minds. British Jewry's secret disputations
    Persoff, Meir: Closed doors, open minds. British Jewry's secret disputations (2018)
    Rezension Miri Freud-Kandel in: H-Net Reviews
  • In Whose Eyes. The Memoir of a Vietnamese Filmmaker in War and Peace
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  • In Whose Eyes. the Memoir of a Vietnamese Filmmaker in War and Peace
    Trần, Văn Thủy: In Whose Eyes. the Memoir of a Vietnamese Filmmaker in War and Peace (2016)
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  • Imagined frontiers. contemporary America and beyond
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  • Race, place, and memory. deep currents in Wilmington, North Carolina
    Mulrooney, Margaret M.: Race, place, and memory. deep currents in Wilmington, North Carolina (2018)
    Rezension Robert Greene in: H-Net Reviews
  • Snowshoe country. an environmental and cultural history of winter in the Early American Northeast
    Wickman, Thomas M.: Snowshoe country. an environmental and cultural history of winter in the Early American Northeast (2018)
    Rezension Andrew Detch in: H-Net Reviews
  • Tsar and Sultan. Russian encounters with the Ottoman Empire
    Taki, Victor: Tsar and Sultan. Russian encounters with the Ottoman Empire (2016)
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  • Mascot Nation. The Controversy over Native American Representations in Sports
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  • Mascot Nation. The Controversy over Native American Representations in Sports
    Billings, Andrew C.: Mascot Nation. The Controversy over Native American Representations in Sports (2018)
    Rezension Jennifer Guiliano in: H-Net Reviews
  • Niechciana debata. spór o książki Jana Tomasza Grossa
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  • Niechciana debata. spór o książki Jana Tomasza Grossa
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  • Spory o Grossa. polskie problemy z pamie̜cia̜ o Żydach
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    Rezension Piotr Wróbel in: H-Net Reviews
  • Tuberculosis in the Americas, 1870-1945. Beneath the Anguish in Philadelphia and Buenos Aires
    Reber, Vera Blinn: Tuberculosis in the Americas, 1870-1945. Beneath the Anguish in Philadelphia and Buenos Aires (2018)
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  • For the war yet to come. planning Beirut's frontiers
    Bou Akar, Hiba: For the war yet to come. planning Beirut's frontiers (2018)
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Seite 126 (148486 Einträge)