Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" ist eine auf Rezensionen für die Geschichtswissenschaften fokussierte Suchmaschine, mit der Buchsprechungen aus Zeitschriften im Volltext durchsucht werden können. Sie berücksichtigt neuere fachwissenschaftliche Besprechungen, die im Web veröffentlicht wurden und ohne Zugangsbeschränkungen im Volltext zur Verfügung stehen.

Stand: 06.09.2021

Sortieren nach:
  • Governing Europe in a globalizing world. neoliberalism and its alternatives following the 1973 oil crisis
    Warlouzet, Laurent: Governing Europe in a globalizing world. neoliberalism and its alternatives following the 1973 oil crisis (2018)
    Rezension Giuliano Garavini in: H-Net Reviews
  • Judenmord. art and the Holocaust in post-war Germany
    Hoffmann-Curtius, Kathrin: Judenmord. art and the Holocaust in post-war Germany (2018)
    Rezension Maya Balakirsky Katz in: H-Net Reviews
  • Apocalypse then. American and Japanese atomic cinema, 1951-1967
    Bogue, Mike: Apocalypse then. American and Japanese atomic cinema, 1951-1967 (2017)
    Rezension Iris Haukamp in: H-Net Reviews
  • Inside the enemy's computer. identifying cyber attackers
    Guitton, Clement: Inside the enemy's computer. identifying cyber attackers (2017)
    Rezension Nicholas Sambaluk in: H-Net Reviews
  • Contract workers, risk, and the war in Iraq. Sierra Leonean labor migrants at US military bases
    Thomas, Kevin J. A.: Contract workers, risk, and the war in Iraq. Sierra Leonean labor migrants at US military bases (2017)
    Rezension Kathleen Alfin in: H-Net Reviews
  • Colonial Al-Andalus. Spain and the Making of Modern Moroccan Culture
    Calderwood, Eric: Colonial Al-Andalus. Spain and the Making of Modern Moroccan Culture (2018)
    Rezension Samuel Anderson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Faithful encounters. authorities and American missionaries in the Ottoman Empire
    Şahin, Emrah: Faithful encounters. authorities and American missionaries in the Ottoman Empire (2018)
    Rezension Andrew Patrick in: H-Net Reviews
  • Revolting New York. how 400 years of riot, rebellion, uprising, and revolution shaped a city
    Smith, Neil; Mitchell, Don; Siodmak, Erin; Roybal, JenJoy; Brady, Marnie; O'Malley, Brendan P. (Hrsg.): Revolting New York. how 400 years of riot, rebellion, uprising, and revolution shaped a city (2018)
    Rezension Graeme Pente in: H-Net Reviews
  • Appealing for Liberty. Freedom Suits in the South
    Schweninger, Loren: Appealing for Liberty. Freedom Suits in the South (2018)
    Rezension Nicole Topich in: H-Net Reviews
  • Twilight nationalism. politics of existence at life's end
    Monterescu, Daniel: Twilight nationalism. politics of existence at life's end (2018)
    Rezension Una McGahern in: H-Net Reviews
  • Twilight nationalism. politics of existence at life's end
    Monterescu, Daniel: Twilight nationalism. politics of existence at life's end (2018)
    Rezension Una McGahern in: H-Net Reviews
  • Anatomy of a genocide. the life and death of a town called Buczacz
    Barṭov, ʾOmer: Anatomy of a genocide. the life and death of a town called Buczacz (2018)
    Rezension Joanna Sliwa in: H-Net Reviews
  • Espectros de Batepá. memórias e narrativas do "Massacre de 1953" em S. Tomé e Príncipe
    Rodrigues, Inês Nascimento: Espectros de Batepá. memórias e narrativas do "Massacre de 1953" em S. Tomé e Príncipe (2018)
    Rezension Inocência Mata in: H-Net Reviews
  • Citizens and Believers. Religion and Politics in Revolutionary Jalisco, 1900-1930
    Curley, Robert: Citizens and Believers. Religion and Politics in Revolutionary Jalisco, 1900-1930 (2018)
    Rezension Andres Hijar in: H-Net Reviews
  • Geschichte der mecklenburgischen Regionalsprache seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Varietätenkontakt zwischen Alteingesessenen und immigrierten Vertriebenen. Teil 1: Sprachsystemgeschichte
    Ehlers, Klaas-Hinrich: Geschichte der mecklenburgischen Regionalsprache seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Varietätenkontakt zwischen Alteingesessenen und immigrierten Vertriebenen. Teil 1: Sprachsystemgeschichte (2018)
    Rezension Robert Kleih in: H-Net Reviews
  • President Carter. the White House years
    Eizenstat, Stuart: President Carter. the White House years (2018)
    Rezension Susan M. Hartmann in: H-Net Reviews
  • Exporting British policing during the Second World War. policing soldiers and civilians
    Emsley, Clive: Exporting British policing during the Second World War. policing soldiers and civilians (2017)
    Rezension Max Felker-Kantor in: H-Net Reviews
  • Captives of war. British prisoners of war in Europe in the Second World War
    Makepeace, Claire: Captives of war. British prisoners of war in Europe in the Second World War (2017)
    Rezension Jean-Michel Turcotte in: H-Net Reviews
  • The material culture of the Jacobites
    Guthrie, Neil: The material culture of the Jacobites (2013)
    Rezension Máire MacNeill in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Smugglers' World. Illicit Trade and Atlantic Communities in Eighteenth-Century Venezuela
    Cromwell, Jesse: The Smugglers' World. Illicit Trade and Atlantic Communities in Eighteenth-Century Venezuela (2018)
    Rezension Casey Schmitt in: H-Net Reviews
Seite 111 (148486 Einträge)