Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" ist eine auf Rezensionen für die Geschichtswissenschaften fokussierte Suchmaschine, mit der Buchsprechungen aus Zeitschriften im Volltext durchsucht werden können. Sie berücksichtigt neuere fachwissenschaftliche Besprechungen, die im Web veröffentlicht wurden und ohne Zugangsbeschränkungen im Volltext zur Verfügung stehen.

Stand: 06.09.2021

Sortieren nach:
  • Lectiones Memorabiles: Selections from Horace, Lucretius, Seneca, Suetonius, and Tacitus
    Yasuko Taoka: Lectiones Memorabiles: Selections from Horace, Lucretius, Seneca, Suetonius, and Tacitus (2015)
    Rezension Sergio Yona in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • 'Artes Grammaticae' in frammenti. i testi grammaticali latini e bilingui greco-latini su papiro. Edizione commentata
    Scappaticcio, Maria Chiara: 'Artes Grammaticae' in frammenti. i testi grammaticali latini e bilingui greco-latini su papiro. Edizione commentata (2015)
    Rezension Eleanor Dickey in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Properce, �l�gies, livre IV
    Propertius, Sextus: Properce, �l�gies, livre IV (2015)
    Rezension Nicoletta Bruno in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Glass, alcohol and power in Roman Iron Age Scotland
    Ingemark, Dominic: Glass, alcohol and power in Roman Iron Age Scotland (2014)
    Rezension Max Nelson in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Theodora. actress, empress, saint
    Potter, David: Theodora. actress, empress, saint (2015)
    Rezension Kenneth G. Holum in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Colloque La Grèce et la guerre
    Contamine, Philippe; Jouanna, Jacques; Zink, Michel (Hrsg.): Colloque La Grèce et la guerre (2015)
    Rezension Giuseppe Solaro in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • La satira 11 di Giovenale. Introduzione, traduzione e commento
    Bracci, Francesco: La satira 11 di Giovenale. Introduzione, traduzione e commento (2014)
    Rezension Brian S. Hook in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Un nome, mille volti. Giulio Cesare nel teatro inglese della prima età moderna
    Domenico Lovascio: Un nome, mille volti. Giulio Cesare nel teatro inglese della prima età moderna (0)
    Rezension Sergio Audano in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Luxus. the sumptuous arts of Greece and Rome
    Lapatin, Kenneth D. S.: Luxus. the sumptuous arts of Greece and Rome (2015)
    Rezension Julia C. Fischer in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • State correspondence in the ancient world. from New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire
    Radner, Karen (Hrsg.): State correspondence in the ancient world. from New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire (2014)
    Rezension Silke Knippschild in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Roma antica. storia e documenti
    Cresci Marrone, Giovannella; Rohr Vio, Francesca; Calvelli, Lorenzo: Roma antica. storia e documenti (2014)
    Rezension Robert Matijasic in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Persia's imperial power in late antiquity. the Great Wall of Gorgān and the frontier landscapes of Sasanian Iran ; a joint fieldwork project by the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handcraft and Tourism Organization, the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research and the Universities of Edinburgh and Durham (2005 - 2009)
    Sauer, Eberhard W. (Hrsg.): Persia's imperial power in late antiquity. the Great Wall of Gorgān and the frontier landscapes of Sasanian Iran ; a joint fieldwork project by the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handcraft and Tourism Organization, the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research and the Universities of Edinburgh and Durham (2005 - 2009) (2013)
    Rezension Josef Wiesehöfer in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Divination and Theurgy in Neoplatonism. Oracles of the Gods
    Addey, Crystal: Divination and Theurgy in Neoplatonism. Oracles of the Gods (2014)
    Rezension Ilinca Tanaseanu-Doebler in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Tra marginalità e integrazione. aspetti dell'assistenza sociale nel mondo greco e romano ; atti delle giornate di studio, Università Europea di Roma - 7-8 novembre 2012
    Roberto, Umberto; Tuci, Paolo A. (Hrsg.): Tra marginalità e integrazione. aspetti dell'assistenza sociale nel mondo greco e romano ; atti delle giornate di studio, Università Europea di Roma - 7-8 novembre 2012 (2015)
    Rezension Carrie L. Sulosky Weaver in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • The Battle of Arginusae. victory at sea and its tragic aftermath in the final years of the Peloponnesian War
    Hamel, Debra: The Battle of Arginusae. victory at sea and its tragic aftermath in the final years of the Peloponnesian War (2015)
    Rezension Jason Crowley in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Autour de Pline le jeune. en hommage � Nicole M�thy
    Devillers, Olivier (Hrsg.): Autour de Pline le jeune. en hommage � Nicole M�thy (2014)
    Rezension Ulrike Roth in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Local Economies?. Production and Exchange of Inland Regions in Late Antiquity
    Lavan, Luke: Local Economies?. Production and Exchange of Inland Regions in Late Antiquity (2015)
    Rezension Damián Fernández in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Berlin, Antikensammlung ehemals Antiquarium ; Bd. 16, Attische Salbgefässe
    Zimmermann-Elseify, Nina: Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Berlin, Antikensammlung ehemals Antiquarium ; Bd. 16, Attische Salbgefässe (2015)
    Rezension Mary B. Moore in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Portraits of the Vestal Virgins, priestesses of ancient Rome
    Lindner, Molly Morrow McGlannan: Portraits of the Vestal Virgins, priestesses of ancient Rome (2015)
    Rezension Peta Greenfield in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Aesthetic maintenance of civic space. the 'classical' city from the 4th to the 7th c. AD
    Jacobs, Ine: Aesthetic maintenance of civic space. the 'classical' city from the 4th to the 7th c. AD (2013)
    Rezension Benjamin Anderson in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
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