Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" ist eine auf Rezensionen für die Geschichtswissenschaften fokussierte Suchmaschine, mit der Buchsprechungen aus Zeitschriften im Volltext durchsucht werden können. Sie berücksichtigt neuere fachwissenschaftliche Besprechungen, die im Web veröffentlicht wurden und ohne Zugangsbeschränkungen im Volltext zur Verfügung stehen.

Stand: 06.09.2021

Sortieren nach:
  • War in England. 1642 - 1649
    Donagan, Barbara: War in England. 1642 - 1649 (2008)
    Rezension Martyn Bennet in: H-Net Reviews
  • Transmitting knowledge. words, images, and instruments in early modern Europe
    Kusukawa, Sachiko; Maclean, Ian (Hrsg.): Transmitting knowledge. words, images, and instruments in early modern Europe (2006)
    Rezension Daniel Christensen in: H-Net Reviews
  • No party now. politics in the Civil War North
    Smith, Adam I. P.: No party now. politics in the Civil War North (2006)
    Rezension Niels Eichhorn in: H-Net Reviews
  • Environment and empire
    Beinart, William; Hughes, Lotte: Environment and empire (2007)
    Rezension Jane Carruthers in: H-Net Reviews
  • Behind the headlines. a history of investigative journalism in Canada
    Rosner, Cecil: Behind the headlines. a history of investigative journalism in Canada (2008)
    Rezension Dean Jobb in: H-Net Reviews
  • Americanos. Latin America's struggle for independence
    Chasteen, John Charles: Americanos. Latin America's struggle for independence (2008)
    Rezension Peter Blanchard in: H-Net Reviews
  • Exporting American dreams. Thurgood Marshall's African journey
    Dudziak, Mary L.: Exporting American dreams. Thurgood Marshall's African journey (2008)
    Rezension Babacar M'Baye in: H-Net Reviews
  • Church and cosmos in early Ottonian Germany. the view from Cologne
    Mayr-Harting, Henry: Church and cosmos in early Ottonian Germany. the view from Cologne (2007)
    Rezension Jonathan R. Lyon in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Alamanni and Rome 213 - 496. (Caracalla to Clovis)
    Drinkwater, John F.: The Alamanni and Rome 213 - 496. (Caracalla to Clovis) (2007)
    Rezension James E. Cathey in: H-Net Reviews
  • Virtuous bodies. the physical dimensions of morality in Buddhist ethics
    Mrozik, Susanne: Virtuous bodies. the physical dimensions of morality in Buddhist ethics (2007)
    Rezension Barbra Clayton in: H-Net Reviews
  • The East German leadership and the division of Germany. patriotism and propaganda 1945 - 1953
    Spilker, Dirk: The East German leadership and the division of Germany. patriotism and propaganda 1945 - 1953 (2006)
    Rezension Mary Fulbrook in: H-Net Reviews
  • Absent minds. intellectuals in Britain
    Collini, Stefan: Absent minds. intellectuals in Britain (2007)
    Rezension Rohan McWilliam in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Linji lu and the creation of Chan orthodoxy. the development of Chan's records of sayings literature
    Welter, Albert: The Linji lu and the creation of Chan orthodoxy. the development of Chan's records of sayings literature (2008)
    Rezension Stuart Young in: H-Net Reviews
  • The sorcerer's tale. faith and fraud in Tudor England
    Ryrie, Alec: The sorcerer's tale. faith and fraud in Tudor England (2008)
    Rezension Paul Griffiths in: H-Net Reviews
  • War, state, and society in England and the Netherlands. 1477 - 1559
    Gunn, Steven J.; Grummitt, David; Cools, Hans: War, state, and society in England and the Netherlands. 1477 - 1559 (2007)
    Rezension Mark Charles Fissel in: H-Net Reviews
  • The foundations of Ostpolitik. the making of the Moscow Treaty between West Germany and the USSR
    Dannenberg, Julia: The foundations of Ostpolitik. the making of the Moscow Treaty between West Germany and the USSR (2008)
    Rezension Bernd Schaefer in: H-Net Reviews
  • The diplomats' world. a cultural history of diplomacy, 1815 - 1914
    Mö€™sslang, Markus; Riotte, Torsten (Hrsg.): The diplomats' world. a cultural history of diplomacy, 1815 - 1914 (2008)
    Rezension Linda S. Frey in: H-Net Reviews
  • Dreams of Africa in Alabama. the slave ship Clotilda and the story of the last Africans brought to America
    Diouf, Sylviane A.: Dreams of Africa in Alabama. the slave ship Clotilda and the story of the last Africans brought to America (2007)
    Rezension Nana Yaw B. Sapong in: H-Net Reviews
  • The resilience of the Spanish monarchy 1665 - 1700
    Storrs, Christopher: The resilience of the Spanish monarchy 1665 - 1700 (2006)
    Rezension Tommaso Astarita in: H-Net Reviews
  • Joschka Fischer and the making of the Berlin Republic. an alternative history of postwar Germany
    Hockenos, Paul: Joschka Fischer and the making of the Berlin Republic. an alternative history of postwar Germany (2008)
    Rezension David A. Meier in: H-Net Reviews
Seite 15 (742 Einträge)