Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Space of detention. the making of a transnational gang crisis between Los Angeles and San Salvador
    Zilberg, Elana: Space of detention. the making of a transnational gang crisis between Los Angeles and San Salvador (2011)
    Review Christine M. Lamberson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Space of detention. the making of a transnational gang crisis between Los Angeles and San Salvador
    Zilberg, Elana: Space of detention. the making of a transnational gang crisis between Los Angeles and San Salvador (2011)
    Review Christine M. Lamberson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Citizen Soldier. A Life of Harry S. Truman
    Donald, Aida: Citizen Soldier. A Life of Harry S. Truman (2012)
    Review Autumn Lass in: H-Net Reviews
  • Myths of Demilitarization in Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1920-1960
    Rath, Thomas: Myths of Demilitarization in Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1920-1960 (2013)
    Review Irving Levinson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Myths of Demilitarization in Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1920-1960
    Rath, Thomas: Myths of Demilitarization in Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1920-1960 (2013)
    Review Irving Levinson in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Kurdish quasi-state. development and dependency in post-Gulf War Iraq
    Natali, Denise: The Kurdish quasi-state. development and dependency in post-Gulf War Iraq (2010)
    Review Daniel Spector in: H-Net Reviews
  • Guerra fría y propaganda cultural. Estados Unidos y su cruzada en Europa
    Antonio Niño; S.A. Montero: Guerra fría y propaganda cultural. Estados Unidos y su cruzada en Europa (2012)
    Review José Antonio Sánchez Román in: H-Net Reviews
  • Little republic. masculinity and domestic authority in eighteenth-century Britain
    Harvey, Karen: Little republic. masculinity and domestic authority in eighteenth-century Britain (2012)
    Review Mark Rothery in: H-Net Reviews
  • Making tea, making Japan. cultural nationalism in practice
    Surak, Kristin: Making tea, making Japan. cultural nationalism in practice (2012)
    Review Chris Perkins in: H-Net Reviews
  • Making tea, making Japan. cultural nationalism in practice
    Surak, Kristin: Making tea, making Japan. cultural nationalism in practice (2012)
    Review Chris Perkins in: H-Net Reviews
  • Saving the world. a brief history of communication for development and social change
    McAnany, Emile G.: Saving the world. a brief history of communication for development and social change (2012)
    Review Noah Arceneaux in: H-Net Reviews
  • Saving the world. a brief history of communication for development and social change
    McAnany, Emile G.: Saving the world. a brief history of communication for development and social change (2012)
    Review Noah Arceneaux in: H-Net Reviews
  • Preaching Spanish nationalism across the Hispanic Atlantic, 1759 - 1823
    Eastman, Scott: Preaching Spanish nationalism across the Hispanic Atlantic, 1759 - 1823 (2011)
    Review Charlton Yingling in: H-Net Reviews
  • Defining Jewish difference. from antiquity to the present
    Berkowitz, Beth A.: Defining Jewish difference. from antiquity to the present (2011)
    Review Aryeh Finkelstein in: H-Net Reviews
  • Vorbild und Gegenbild. das iberische Judentum in der deutsch-jüdischen Erinnerungskultur ; 1779 - 1939
    Schapkow, Carsten: Vorbild und Gegenbild. das iberische Judentum in der deutsch-jüdischen Erinnerungskultur ; 1779 - 1939 (2011)
    Review Dani Kranz in: H-Net Reviews
  • Beyond the Walls: Abraham Joshua Heschel and Edith Stein on the Significance of Empathy for Jewish-Christian Dialogue (AAR Academy (Oxford University Press))
    Joseph Palmisano: Beyond the Walls: Abraham Joshua Heschel and Edith Stein on the Significance of Empathy for Jewish-Christian Dialogue (AAR Academy (Oxford University Press)) (2012)
    Review Zev Garber in: H-Net Reviews
  • Excavating modernity. the Roman past in fascist Italy
    Arthurs, Joshua: Excavating modernity. the Roman past in fascist Italy (2012)
    Review Eleanor Chiari in: H-Net Reviews
  • A Cause Greater than Self. The Journey of Captain Michael J. Daly, World War II Medal of Honor Recipient
    Ochs, Stephen J.: A Cause Greater than Self. The Journey of Captain Michael J. Daly, World War II Medal of Honor Recipient (2012)
    Review Gene Mueller in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Dao of the Military. Liu An's Art of War
    Meyer, Andrew: The Dao of the Military. Liu An's Art of War (2012)
    Review Jim Bonk in: H-Net Reviews
  • Fragments of the Afghan frontier
    Hopkins, B. D.: Fragments of the Afghan frontier (2011)
    Review James Bradford in: H-Net Reviews
Page 332 (29005 Results)
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