Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Reconstruction in a globalizing world
    Prior, David (Hrsg.): Reconstruction in a globalizing world (2018)
    Review Brooks T. Swett in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Limits of Liberty. Mobility and the Making of the Eastern U.S.-Mexico Border
    Nichols, James David: The Limits of Liberty. Mobility and the Making of the Eastern U.S.-Mexico Border (2018)
    Review Claire Wolnisty in: H-Net Reviews
  • Globalization under and after socialism. the evolution of transnational capital in Central and Eastern Europe
    Pula, Besnik: Globalization under and after socialism. the evolution of transnational capital in Central and Eastern Europe (2018)
    Review Tobias Rupprecht in: H-Net Reviews
  • Literatures of madness. disability studies and mental health
    Donaldson, Elizabeth J. (Hrsg.): Literatures of madness. disability studies and mental health (2018)
    Review Susan Anderson in: H-Net Reviews
  • India, empire, and First World War culture. writings, images, and songs
    Das, Santanu: India, empire, and First World War culture. writings, images, and songs (2018)
    Review Shrabani Basu in: H-Net Reviews
  • Tides of Revolution. Information, Insurgencies, and the Crisis of Colonial Rule in Venezuela
    Soriano, Cristina: Tides of Revolution. Information, Insurgencies, and the Crisis of Colonial Rule in Venezuela (2018)
    Review Alejandra Dubcovsky in: H-Net Reviews
  • Following the ball. the migration of African soccer players across the Portuguese colonial empire, 1949-1975
    Cleveland, Todd: Following the ball. the migration of African soccer players across the Portuguese colonial empire, 1949-1975 (2017)
    Review Nuno Domingos in: H-Net Reviews
  • Following the ball. the migration of African soccer players across the Portuguese colonial empire, 1949-1975
    Cleveland, Todd: Following the ball. the migration of African soccer players across the Portuguese colonial empire, 1949-1975 (2017)
    Review Nuno Domingos in: H-Net Reviews
  • Before Journalism Schools. How Gilded Age Reporters Learned the Rules
    Sumpter, Randall S.: Before Journalism Schools. How Gilded Age Reporters Learned the Rules (2018)
    Review Eric Walls in: H-Net Reviews
  • The experiential Caribbean. creating knowledge and healing in the early modern Atlantic
    Gómez, Pablo F.: The experiential Caribbean. creating knowledge and healing in the early modern Atlantic (2017)
    Review Dawn Harris in: H-Net Reviews
  • Anti*colonial fantasies. Decolonial strategies
    Caceres, Imayna; Mesquita, Suanda; Utikal, Sophie (Hrsg.): Anti*colonial fantasies. Decolonial strategies (2017)
    Review Ervin Malakaj in: H-Net Reviews
  • Afro-dog. blackness and the animal question
    Boisseron, Bénédicte: Afro-dog. blackness and the animal question (2018)
    Review Andrew J. Kettler in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Mexican press and civil society, 1940-1976. stories from the newsroom, stories from the street
    Smith, Benjamin T.: The Mexican press and civil society, 1940-1976. stories from the newsroom, stories from the street (2018)
    Review Keegan Boyar in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Plots Against Hitler
    Orbach, Danny: The Plots Against Hitler (2016)
    Review Mark Montesclaros in: H-Net Reviews
  • Tamta's world. the life and encounters of a medieval noblewoman from the Middle East to Mongolia
    Eastmond, Antony: Tamta's world. the life and encounters of a medieval noblewoman from the Middle East to Mongolia (2017)
    Review Karen Carr in: H-Net Reviews
  • Israel's long war with Hezbollah. military innovation and adaptation under fire
    Marcus, Raphael D.: Israel's long war with Hezbollah. military innovation and adaptation under fire (2018)
    Review Ehud Eilam in: H-Net Reviews
  • Israel's Long War with Hezbollah. Military Innovation and Adaptation under Fire
    Marcus, Raphael D.: Israel's Long War with Hezbollah. Military Innovation and Adaptation under Fire (2018)
    Review Ehud Eilam in: H-Net Reviews
  • Normality. a critical genealogy
    Cryle, Peter Maxwell: Normality. a critical genealogy (2017)
    Review Verusca Calabria in: H-Net Reviews
  • Normality. a critical genealogy
    Cryle, Peter: Normality. a critical genealogy (2017)
    Review Verusca Calabria in: H-Net Reviews
  • Discriminating Sex. White Leisure and the Making of the American Oriental
    Sueyoshi, Amy: Discriminating Sex. White Leisure and the Making of the American Oriental (2018)
    Review Chrissy Lau in: H-Net Reviews
Page 85 (29005 Results)
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