Prof. Dr. Alexander Freund

Dept. of History German-Canadian Studies Program

The University of Winnipeg

515 Portage Avenue


R3B2E9 Winnipeg, MB


Research and projects

Current position(s)

Professor of History
Chair in German-Canadian Studies
Director, Oral History Centre

Current project(s)

History of Refugees in Manitoba Since 1945.
Oral History as a Technology of the Self.

Former position(s)

Program Associate, Oral History Research Office, Columbia University (2001)


Monographs (and dissertation)

Oral History and Ethnic History (Immigration and Ethnicity in Canada 32) Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 2014.
Aufbrüche nach dem Zusammenbruch: Die deutsche Nordamerikaauswanderung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. (Studien zur Historischen Migrationsforschung, vol. 12, ed. Klaus J. Bade). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress, 2004.


“Under Storytelling’s Spell? Oral History in a Neo-liberal Age,” Oral History Review 42, no. 1 (Winter/Spring 2015): 96-132.
“Transnationalizing Home in Winnipeg: Refugees’ Stories of the Places Between the “Here-and-There,” Canadian Ethnic Studies 47, no. 1 Special Issue "Transforming Citizenship: Ethnicity, Transnationalism, and Belonging in Canada” (2015): 61-86.
“Confessing Animals”: Toward a Longue Durée History of the Oral History Interview,” Oral History Review (Spring 2014): 1-26. Translated into Portuguese as: “Os Animais que Confessam”: Contribuição para uma História de Longa Duração da Entrevista de História Oral. Revista Tempo e Argumento, Florianópolis, v. 6, n.13, p. 203 ‐ 239, set./dez. 2014.
“Toward an Ethics of Silence? Negotiating Off-the-record Events and Identity in Oral History,” Oral History Off the Record: Toward an Ethnography of Practice (Palgrave Studies in Oral History), eds. Anna Sheftel and Stacey Zembrzycki (New York: Palgrave, 2013), 223-238.
“Contesting the Meanings of Migration: German Women’s Immigration to Canada in the 1950s,” Canadian Ethnic Studies 41-42/3-1 (2009-2010 [2012]): 1-26
“Representing ‘New Canadians’: Competing Narratives about Recent German Immigrants to Manitoba,” Journal of Mennonite Studies 30 (2012): 339-361
“A Canadian Family Talks About Oma’s Life in Nazi Germany: Three-Generational Interviews and Communicative Memory,” Oral History Forum d’histoire orale 29 (2009), Special Issue “Remembering Family, Analyzing Home: Oral History and the Family," 1-26.
“Oral History As Process-Generated Data,” Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung 34/1 special issue “Theory and Data” (2009): 22-48
“Die Auswanderung aus Nachkriegsdeutschland,” Aufbruch nach Amerika, 1709-2009: 300 Jahre Massenauswanderung aus Rheinland-Pfalz (Kaiserslautern: Referat Kultur der Stadt Kaiserslautern, [2009]), 81-92.
“Oral History in Canada: A Paradox,” in Klaus-Dieter Ertler and Hartmut Lutz, eds., Canada in Grainau: A Multidisciplinary Survey after 30 Years / Le Canada à Grainau: un survol multidisciplinaire 30 ans après (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009), 305-335. Published in Spanish translation “Historia oral en Canadá: una paradoja.” Transl. by Márgara Averbach. Historia, Voces y Memoria. Revista del Programa de Historia Oral. Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, No. 2 (2010), 167-206.
“A German Post-1945 Diaspora? German Migrants’ Encounters with the Nazi Past,” in: Mathias Schulze et al., eds., German Diasporic Experiences: Identity, Migration, and Loss (Waterloo, ON: Wilfried Laurier University Press, 2008), 467-78.
“Troubling Memories in Nation-building: World War II Memories and Germans' Inter-ethnic Encounters in Canada after 1945.” Histoire sociale/Social History 39/77 (May 2006): 129-155.
“How Come They’re Nice to Me?” Deutsche und Juden nach dem Holocaust in Nordamerika, in: Christiane Harzig, ed., Migration und Erinnerung. Reflexionen ueber Wanderungserfahrungen in Europa und Nordamerika (Transkulturelle Perspektiven 4) (Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2006), 143-156.
“’Where were you während des Kriegs?’ Kriegserzählungen deutscher Migranten in Nordamerika seit 1945,” in: Christer Petersen, ed., Zeichen des Krieges in Literatur, Film und den Medien, Vol. 1: Nordamerika und Europa. Kiel: Verlag Ludwig, 2004, 31-67.

Edited volumes

Benjamin Bryce and Alexander Freund, eds., Entangling Migration History: Borderlands and Transnationalism in the United States and Canada (Contested Boundaries). Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2015.
Kristina Llewellyn, Alexander Freund, and Nolan Reilly, eds., The Canadian Oral History Reader. Montreal: McGill Queen’s University Press, 2015.
Freund, Alexander, ed., Beyond the Nation? Immigrants’ Local Lives in Transnational Cultures. Toronto, 2012.
Freund, Alexander and Alistair Thomson, eds., Oral History and Photography. New York 2011.

Areas of research

Migration, Oral History, 20.Jh. Deutschland, USA, Kanada

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic