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On March 1, 1990, the 1956 Institute and its foundation were legally registered. On March 16, on the initiative of Domokos Kosáry, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences formed the Academic Documentation and Research Group for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. In 1995, the government of the Hungarian Republic granted the 1956 Institute, until then a social organization, the official status of a public foundation." ["clio:corpPublications"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpOrganisation"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpResearch"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpContact"]=> string(37) "Pál Germuska " ["clio:corpRemarks"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpInventory"]=> string(0) "" ["cmis:objectId"]=> string(18) "organization-13647" ["cm:created"]=> string(20) "2003-09-12T11:09:00Z" ["cm:modified"]=> string(20) "2004-07-05T12:07:00Z" ["cm:createdBy"]=> string(14) "Kokisch, Andre" ["cm:modifiedBy"]=> string(14) "Krumrey, Jakob" ["clio:contentType"]=> string(12) "organization" ["clio_note"]=> string(17) "migriert von clio" ["clio:subjectHeadings"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(10) "Widerstand" [1]=> string(10) "Opposition" [2]=> string(15) "Aufstand <1956>" [3]=> string(10) "Resistance" [4]=> string(10) "Opposition" [5]=> string(15) "Uprising <1956>" } ["clio:idArchive"]=> string(5) "13647" ["clio:tableArchive"]=> string(0) "" ["R:rdaRoles:contributor"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["D:clio:PersonProfile"]=> array(7) { ["clio:contentType"]=> string(11) "contributor" ["cmis:objectId"]=> string(15) "beitraeger-8233" ["clio:organizationId"]=> int(9652) ["foaf:givenName"]=> string(6) "Thomas" ["foaf:familyName"]=> string(5) "Meyer" ["foaf:mbox"]=> string(30) "" ["hsk:accessStatus"]=> int(3) } } } ["cliowf:originator"]=> string(4) "CLIO" ["clio:objectStatus"]=> int(2) ["cliowf:workflowStatus"]=> int(14) ["clio:contentTypeRelated"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3) "sf2" } } } ["typepath"]=> string(12) "organization" ["prevId"]=> string(18) "organization-13788" ["prevContentType"]=> string(12) "organization" ["prevTitle"]=> string(41) "Cold War History Research Center Budapest" ["listImage"]=> NULL ["pdfPath"]=> string(4) "null" ["cliowf_channel"]=> string(4) "clio" ["portalsettings_title"]=> string(11) "Clio-online" ["portalsettings_hostname"]=> string(19) "" ["portalsettings"]=> array(6) { ["hostname"]=> string(19) "" ["title"]=> string(11) "Clio-online" ["copyright"]=> string(11) "Clio-online" ["contact"]=> string(38) "" ["jsonpath"]=> string(26) "www.clio-online\files\json" ["twigcache"]=> string(79) "F:\\Inetpub\\hfn-drupal-live-9\\web\\sites\\www.clio-online\\files\\cache\\twig" } ["queryParams"]=> array(4) { ["fq"]=> string(97) "facetVcardCountry:"HU" AND facetVcardLocality:"Budapest" AND clio_contentTypeRelated_m_Text:"sf2"" ["recno"]=> string(1) "2" ["subType"]=> string(12) "organization" ["total"]=> string(4) "2 " } ["queryString"]=> string(149) "fq=facetVcardCountry:"HU" AND facetVcardLocality:"Budapest" AND clio_contentTypeRelated_m_Text:"sf2"&recno=2&subType=organization&total=2 &q=&sort=" } The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution | Clio-online

The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution



Dohány u. 74. II.
Pf.: 218., 1410 Budapest
01 / 3225228
01 / 3223084


Pál Germuska


Direktor: János Rainer M.


The preparatory committee and temporary international board of trustees of the 1956 Institute were formed on June 17, 1989, the day after the reburial of Imre Nagy and his fellow martyrs. On March 1, 1990, the 1956 Institute and its foundation were legally registered. On March 16, on the initiative of Domokos Kosáry, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences formed the Academic Documentation and Research Group for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. In 1995, the government of the Hungarian Republic granted the 1956 Institute, until then a social organization, the official status of a public foundation.

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