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In 1927 the Library was moved from Melbourne to Canberra with the relocation of Parliament. An Act of Parliament in 1960 formally separated the National Library from the Parliamentary Library and a new building for the National Library’s growing collections and services was opened on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra in August 1968. In 2001 the Library celebrated its centenary by publishing Our Nation's Album, a website portraying the Library's first one hundred years in text and pictures, and the book Remarkable Occurrences: The National Library of Australia's First 100 Years 1901-2001 . A history of the collections prepared in 1981 by C. A. Burmester outlines the development of the Library's collections from its foundation to 1980." ["clio:corpPublications"]=> string(141) "National Library Magazine National Library of Australia Gateways Archive weitere Publikationen siehe " ["clio:corpOrganisation"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpResearch"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpContact"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpRemarks"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpInventory"]=> string(240) "There are approximately 10 million items in the Library’s collection. The Library collects books, journals, newspapers, archives, manuscripts, pictures, photographs, musical scores, maps, websites and oral history and folklore recordings." 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National Library of Australia



Parkes Place
+ 61 (0)2 6262 1111
+61 (0)2 6257 1703


Anne-Marie Schwirtlich


The origins of the National Library of Australia go back to the early years after Australian Federation in 1901, when the Commonwealth Parliamentary Library served both Federal Parliament and the nation. In 1927 the Library was moved from Melbourne to Canberra with the relocation of Parliament.
An Act of Parliament in 1960 formally separated the National Library from the Parliamentary Library and a new building for the National Library’s growing collections and services was opened on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra in August 1968.
In 2001 the Library celebrated its centenary by publishing Our Nation's Album, a website portraying the Library's first one hundred years in text and pictures, and the book Remarkable Occurrences: The National Library of Australia's First 100 Years 1901-2001 .
A history of the collections prepared in 1981 by C. A. Burmester outlines the development of the Library's collections from its foundation to 1980.


National Library Magazine
National Library of Australia Gateways Archive
weitere Publikationen siehe


There are approximately 10 million items in the Library’s collection. The Library collects books, journals, newspapers, archives, manuscripts, pictures, photographs, musical scores, maps, websites and oral history and folklore recordings.

Zugehörige Webressourcen

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