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Kirchen und Kommunismus. Eine Konfliktgeschichte. (Herder Verlag, 2016) Beliakova Nadezhda - Dobson Miriam, Zhenshchiny v evangel'skikh obshchinakh poslevoennogo SSSR (1940-80-u gg.). Issledovanie i istochniki. (Moscow,Indrik: 2015) Beliakova Elena - Beliakova Nadezhda - Emchenko Elena. Zhenshchina v pravoslavii: tserkovnoe pravo i rossiiskaia praktika (Moscow: Kuchkovo pole, 2011)" ["clio:researcherArticles"]=> string(3533) "peer-reviewed (2012-2016) “We ask you to put an end to lawlessness…”: Soviet believers’ letters of 1960-1980s as a form of communication with the government" in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 236 (2016) pp. 310-314 DOI information: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.12.035. "Communication and conflict in the Evangelical community: analysis of the relations between Baptists and Pentecostals in the USSR in the second half of the 20th century" in Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences 236 (2016) pp. 315-319 DOI information: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.12.036 (together with Vera Kljueva). "I giubilei cirillo-metodiani in Russia e in Unione Sovietica nel contesto della costruzione dell’identita’ nazionale e religiosa nei paesi del mondo slavo e delle relazioni con il cattolicesimo" in Emilia Hrabovec – Pierantonto Piatti –Rita Tolomeo,eds., I Santi Cirillo e Metodio e la loro eredità religiosa e culturale, ponte tra l´Oriente e l´Occidente (Citta’ del Vaticano: Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche, 2016) pp. 299-317. (together with Evgenia Tokareva). "Dukhovnye poiski evangel'skikh veruiushchikh v poslevoennom SSSR" in Dialog so vremenem 55 2016, p. 311-329 (together with Vera Kljueva) "Protestant women in the late Soviet era: gender, authority, and dissent" in Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue canadienne des slavistes. 58 /2 2016, pp. 117-140 (together with Miriam Dobson) DOI: 10.1080/00085006.2016.1157923 "Pomestnyi sobor Rossiiskoi pravoslavnoi tserkvi 1917-1918 gg.: opyt izucheniia v Rossii i za rubezhom" [The 1917–1918 Local Council of the Russian Church: New Approaches and Studies] in Gosudarstvo, religiia i tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 1 2016, pp. 379-432 "Pareizticīgā Baznīca sociālistiskā valstī: „sovjetizācija” un tās eksports pēc Otrā pasaules kara" in Reliģiski - filozofiski Raksti. XIX 2015, pp. 155-187. "The Ostpolitik of Pope Paul VI: Historiographical analysis of the Soviet response and evaluation of the source base for future research" in Andras Fejerdy, ed. Pastoral Responsibility or Evangelical Witness. The Vatican Ostpolitik during Pius XII, John XXIII and Paul VI (Rome, 2015), pp. 113-131. "Religiia i konstrukty natsional'noi identichnosti v stranakh Vostochnoi Evropy v XX veke" [Religion and the construction of national identity in Eastern Europe in the XX century] in Gosudarstvo, religiia i tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 4 (2014), pp. 11-27. "Women’s rights in the Late Russian Empire: the paradoxes of the Legislative Basis in the Family Sphere", in Eva Schandevyl, ed., Women in Law and Lawmaking in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Europe (Ashgate 2014), pp. 199 – 231 (together with Taisia Belyakova) "Tserkov' v sotsialisticheskom gosudarstve: osobennosti russkoi pravovoi traditsii" [The Church in the socialist state: peculiarities of Russian legal tradition] in Religii mira. Istoriia i sovremennost' (Moscow - Sankt-Petersburg,Nestor-istoria,2012), pp. 428-469. "Kollektivnye praktiki tipichnoi obshchiny evangel'skikh khristian-baptistov v pozdnem SSSR" [Collective practices of the typical Evangelist Christian Baptists community in the late USSR] in Gosudarstvo, religiia i tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom XXX/3-4 2012, pp. 283-294. International Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Cold War. The results and the future prospects of study in Julius Filo, ed. Christian World Community and the Cold War. International Research Conference (Bratislava, 2012) pp. 171-192" ["clio:researcherCurrentProject"]=> string(24) "Religion in the Cold War" ["clio:objectStatus"]=> string(3) "web" ["vcard:locality"]=> string(6) "Moskau" ["cm:modified"]=> string(24) "2017-11-19T15:21:00+0100" ["clio:showEmail"]=> bool(false) ["vcard:role"]=> string(91) "Senior Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Global History, Russian Academy of Science" ["clio:freigabeProfil"]=> bool(true) } } ["typepath"]=> string(10) "researcher" ["prevId"]=> string(16) "researcher-17111" ["prevContentType"]=> string(10) "researcher" ["prevTitle"]=> string(15) "Ewgeniy Kasakow" ["listImage"]=> NULL ["pdfPath"]=> string(4) "null" ["cliowf_channel"]=> string(4) "clio" ["portalsettings_title"]=> string(11) "Clio-online" ["portalsettings_hostname"]=> string(19) "" ["portalsettings"]=> array(6) { ["hostname"]=> string(19) "" ["title"]=> string(11) "Clio-online" ["copyright"]=> string(11) "Clio-online" ["contact"]=> string(38) "" ["jsonpath"]=> string(26) "www.clio-online\files\json" ["twigcache"]=> string(79) "F:\\Inetpub\\hfn-drupal-live-9\\web\\sites\\www.clio-online\\files\\cache\\twig" } ["queryParams"]=> array(4) { ["fq"]=> string(54) "clio_academicDegree_s_Text:"Dr." AND facetCountry:"RU"" ["recno"]=> string(1) "5" ["subType"]=> string(10) "researcher" ["total"]=> string(7) "5 " } ["queryString"]=> string(107) "fq=clio_academicDegree_s_Text:"Dr." AND facetCountry:"RU"&recno=5&subType=researcher&total=5 &q=&sort=" } Nadezhda Beliakova | Clio-online

Dr. Nadezhda Beliakova

Senior Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Global History, Russian Academy of Science

Centrum fuer Religions-und Kirchengeschichte

Institut fuer Allgemeine Geschichte der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Associate Professor at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering
Physics Institute)

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

Religion in the Cold War


Monographien (und Dissertation)

Nadezhda Beljakova - Thomas Bremer - Katharina Kunter , "Es gibt keinen Gott!" Kirchen und Kommunismus. Eine Konfliktgeschichte. (Herder Verlag, 2016)

Beliakova Nadezhda - Dobson Miriam, Zhenshchiny v evangel'skikh obshchinakh
poslevoennogo SSSR (1940-80-u gg.). Issledovanie i istochniki. (Moscow,Indrik: 2015)

Beliakova Elena - Beliakova Nadezhda - Emchenko Elena. Zhenshchina v pravoslavii: tserkovnoe pravo i rossiiskaia praktika (Moscow: Kuchkovo pole, 2011)


peer-reviewed (2012-2016)
“We ask you to put an end to lawlessness…”: Soviet believers’ letters of 1960-1980s as a form of communication with the government" in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 236 (2016) pp. 310-314 DOI information: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.12.035.

"Communication and conflict in the Evangelical community: analysis of the relations between Baptists and Pentecostals in the USSR in the second half of the 20th century" in Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences 236 (2016) pp. 315-319 DOI information: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.12.036 (together with Vera Kljueva).

"I giubilei cirillo-metodiani in Russia e in Unione Sovietica nel contesto della costruzione dell’identita’ nazionale e religiosa nei paesi del mondo slavo e delle relazioni con il cattolicesimo" in Emilia Hrabovec – Pierantonto Piatti –Rita Tolomeo,eds., I Santi Cirillo e Metodio e la loro eredità religiosa e culturale, ponte tra l´Oriente e l´Occidente (Citta’ del Vaticano: Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche, 2016) pp. 299-317. (together with Evgenia Tokareva).

"Dukhovnye poiski evangel'skikh veruiushchikh v poslevoennom SSSR" in Dialog so vremenem 55 2016, p. 311-329 (together with Vera Kljueva)

"Protestant women in the late Soviet era: gender, authority, and dissent" in Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue canadienne des slavistes. 58 /2 2016, pp. 117-140 (together with Miriam Dobson) DOI: 10.1080/00085006.2016.1157923

"Pomestnyi sobor Rossiiskoi pravoslavnoi tserkvi 1917-1918 gg.: opyt izucheniia v Rossii i za rubezhom" [The 1917–1918 Local Council of the Russian Church: New Approaches and Studies] in Gosudarstvo, religiia i tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 1 2016, pp. 379-432

"Pareizticīgā Baznīca sociālistiskā valstī: „sovjetizācija” un tās eksports pēc Otrā pasaules kara" in Reliģiski - filozofiski Raksti. XIX 2015, pp. 155-187.

"The Ostpolitik of Pope Paul VI: Historiographical analysis of the Soviet response and evaluation of the source base for future research" in Andras Fejerdy, ed. Pastoral Responsibility or Evangelical Witness. The Vatican Ostpolitik during Pius XII, John XXIII and Paul VI (Rome, 2015), pp. 113-131.

"Religiia i konstrukty natsional'noi identichnosti v stranakh Vostochnoi Evropy v XX veke" [Religion and the construction of national identity in Eastern Europe in the XX century] in Gosudarstvo, religiia i tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 4 (2014), pp. 11-27.

"Women’s rights in the Late Russian Empire: the paradoxes of the Legislative Basis in the Family Sphere", in Eva Schandevyl, ed., Women in Law and Lawmaking in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Europe (Ashgate 2014), pp. 199 – 231 (together with Taisia Belyakova)

"Tserkov' v sotsialisticheskom gosudarstve: osobennosti russkoi pravovoi traditsii" [The Church in the socialist state: peculiarities of Russian legal tradition] in Religii mira. Istoriia i sovremennost' (Moscow - Sankt-Petersburg,Nestor-istoria,2012), pp. 428-469.

"Kollektivnye praktiki tipichnoi obshchiny evangel'skikh khristian-baptistov v pozdnem SSSR" [Collective practices of the typical Evangelist Christian Baptists community in the late USSR] in Gosudarstvo, religiia i tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom XXX/3-4 2012, pp. 283-294.

International Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Cold War. The results and the future prospects of study in Julius Filo, ed. Christian World Community and the Cold War. International Research Conference (Bratislava, 2012) pp. 171-192