United States Naval History: A Bibliography

Enthalten in
Department of the Navy - Naval Historical Center, <http://www.history.navy.mil>

Lynch, Barbara A. / Vajda John E.

"This edition of United States Naval History: A Bibliography incorporates more than 450 titles chosen from the large body of naval historical literature published since the bibliography's sixth edition appeared in 1972. (...)Every effort was made to cite only those publications generally found in larger federal, public, or academic libraries, or that are likely to circulate freely on an interlibrary loan basis. The overwhelming emphasis of the bibliography is upon United States naval history. Nevertheless, a few sources on foreign navies, the Navy's sister services, and other defense organizations are included when those titles refer to activities that involve the United States Navy." This site contains bibliographic information on U.S. naval history during world war one (1917-1918).
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Technische Bereitstellung

The United States Navy: <http://www.navy.mil/>




United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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