Internet Library of Early Journals: A digital library of 18th and 19th Century journals

ILEJ, the 'Internet Library of Early Journals' is a joint project by the Universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Oxford, conducted under the auspices of the eLib (Electronic Libraries) Programme. It aims to digitise substantial runs of 18th and 19th century journals, and make these images available on the Internet, together with their associated bibliographic data. The Project has digitized twenty-year runs of the following journals: Gentleman's Magazine (1731-50), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1757-77), Annual Register (1758-78), Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (1843-63), Notes and Queries (1849-69), and The Builder (1843-52).
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Technische Bereitstellung

University of Oxford: Oxford, GB <>



United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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