Transportation Photographs

Enthalten in
University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections <>
Transportation Photographs is an ongoing digital collection of photographs depicting various modes of transportation in the Pacific Northwest region and Western United States during the first half of the 20th century. Examples of material included are: automobiles and roads; aviation with emphasis on the Boeing Co.; railroads, such as the Milwaukee Road, Northern Pacific Railway, and Great Northern Railway. Selections from our Ships Collection are also represented. These include images of the many steamships, schooners, and ferries that plied the Puget Sound and Alaskan waters. This is a growing collection. We will occasionally add new images and update records as new information is uncovered by research. [self-description]
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections: Seattle, US (WA) <>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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