Minnesota Labor Interpretive Center

The legislative authorization that gave birth to this project is still on the books of the State of Minnesota. Further action on its implementation or dissolution will remain in a holding pattern, pending legislative action at some future date. It was the intention of this website to offer information about the planned Minnesota Labor Interpretive Center: " 'As a broad-based educational institution, the New Center will feature: Interactive Exhibits honoring the past contributions of workers, showcasing the present and preparing for the future, such as the World of Work and Skills of Tomorrow; ...', special exhibits, an Educational Research Center etc. The center will open in December 2001, but the website yet offers some information about Minnesota social history like a bibliography, a linklist of Minnesota Historica Societies and others." Until further notice there are no references provided to the MLIC organization from this site's structure. However, the developers of the site have chosen to maintain the "History of Work In Minnesota" web exhibit intact, at their own expense. It can be found at <http://www.brainerd.net/~mlic/features/wowork/index.html>. In addition several articles on Minnesota labor and economics are still available.
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

CTC Internet department: US <http://www.brainerd.net/>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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