Africana Digitization Project

Produced by the Digital Content Group at the University of Wisconsin Library, the Africana Digitization Project provides a excellent template for further projects to make works dealing with Africa more accessible to researchers and other interested parties. Currently, there are eight works available for browsing on the site. These important resources include Andre Alvares Almada's Brief Treatise on the rivers of Guinea from 1594, P.E.H. Hair's Barbot's West African vocabularies of 1680 from 1992, and Manuel Alvares's account of travels through modern-day Ethiopia from 1615. All of the works here are in English, and can be searched individually using the online search engine provided. For persons doing work in the field of African history, or those interested in reading travel narratives from Europeans, this repository will prove to be a helpful find. (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2003.
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University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries: Madison, US (WI) <>



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Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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