School of Engeneering and Computing [Glasgow Caledonian University]

"The School offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Professional Short Course Training and Research opportunities in the three broad areas of Computing & Creative Technology, Communication, Network and Electronic Engineering and Energy Systems Engineering. We have excellent links with professional bodies and develop our programmes in line with their accreditation standards, including the British Computer Society (BCS) and the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE). Every day we are affected by computer-based systems e.g. mobile phones, satellite navigation systems, wind power systems, electricity generators, medical instruments, aeroplane flight decks, multi-player gesture-driven computer games. Building these systems means bringing people from different disciplines and working together. As technologies unfold, the application possibilities are enormous but so are the challenges because systems are so complex. We need fresh, innovative, creative and persistent minds to crack these challenges and bring these possibilities to life. We hope you’ll join us and be the future now!"
Technische Bereitstellung

Glasgow Caledonian University: Glasgow, UK <>




United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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