School of Engeneering [University of Aberdeen]

"The School has a strong tradition of success in research with an international reputation in a number of areas including applied dynamics, impact mechanics, engineering materials, sediment transport, communications protocols, and holography. All areas of research in the School are supported by modern laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment and fully networked computing facilities including major engineering commercial software. There is excellent technical support provided by electronic and mechanical engineering workshops. Research within the school is organised into research groups, that span the traditional boundaries between the engineering professions. The Civil Group has a strong emphasis on applied projects - with industry involvement in both undergraduate honours project, both small and large postgraduate research projects, and consultancy services. Leading research includes fundamental and applied research in hydraulics, energy-efficient buildings, new materials and methods. Links to Industry The Civil Professional Group works with local industry. It provides innovative ideas and designs to industry, and collaborates in joint research into problems and new technology."
Technische Bereitstellung

University of Aberdeen: Aberdeen, UK <>




United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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