Division of History and Philosophy of Science [University of Leeds]

"The Division of History and Philosophy of Science at Leeds is one of the largest groups in the country devoted to the subject, with a strong tradition in both teaching and research. We offer courses which analyse science and technology from historical, philosophical and social perspectives. Questions such as the following are addressed: Can scientific theories ever be proved true? What sense can be made of the world revealed by quantum mechanics and relativity theory? Can biology be reduced to physics? What conditions led to the rise of modern science in 17th century Europe? How did Newton frame his theory of universal gravitation? What impact has Darwin's theory of evolution made on society? Is modern Western medicine superior to Chinese, Ayurvedic or 'alternative' medicine? Do consumers get the technologies they want? Is science gender neutral?"
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

University of Leeds: Leeds, UK <http://www.leeds.ac.uk/>




United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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