Economic History Department [London School of Economics and Political Science]

"Following in a long and distinguished tradition, research in the LSE Department of Economic History uses concepts and theories from the social sciences as a starting point for studying the development of real economies and understanding them in their social, political and cultural context. The Department is home to by far the largest group of researchers in economic history in the UK and probably the world. The composition and international diversity of its staff, academic visitors and research students mean that its interests range from the medieval period to the current century, from Latin America to China via Africa and Europe, from questions about the institutions of economic change to ones on technology and finance, and from the history of economic ideas and policy to the measurement of past human well-being and explanations for global trade patterns." One Research project, for example is: "Understanding the effects of different generations of Large-Scale Technological Change"
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

London School of Economics and Political Science: London, UK <>




United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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