Science, Medicine, and Technology [University of Oxford]

"Research in the history of science, medicine, and technology draws on a wide range of institutions and scholars in Oxford, to form a network of expertise unusual in its range. The Professor of the History of Science leads research within the History Faculty, and is joined by colleagues in the Museum of the History of Science and in the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, as well as in the Departments of Mathematics and Physics. The interests of those in the network extend from Renaissance visual theory and early modern scientific instrumentation through the mathematics and natural philosophy of the seventeenth century to nineteenth- and twentieth-century physics and the cultural relations of science in modern European society. A chair in the History of Science and Religion provides a link with Theology. Major international scholars are attached to the network and attend its seminars, and there are well-established outwards connections with continental European scholars through the Maison Française and the Europaeum. The library resources of the Bodleian and the Radcliffe Science Library are enhanced by the collections of the Museum of the History of Science: a joint Library-Museum initiative has recently led to the acquisition of the substantial Marconi Collection of papers and instruments."
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Technische Bereitstellung

University of Oxford: Oxford, UK <>




United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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