Centre for Spatial Development and Planning [Blekinge Institute of Technology]

"The Centre for Spatial Development and Planning (in Swedish "Center för Territoriell UtvecklingsPlanering", CTUP) is an interdisciplinary centre of competence established by the University Board of Blekinge Institute of Technology in 1998. The task of the Centre is to contribute to the development of spatial planning by combining insights of social changes and knowledge of human ecology about man and environment with the competence gained from the fields of technology and architecture on the management of resources as well as on the design, shaping and formation of reality. The Centre undertakes research, investigations, eduction and seminars on a commission basis in the field of spatial development and planning - including spatial planning, strategic environmental assessment and regional development."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Blekinge Institute of Technology: Kalskrona, SE <www.bth.se>


Englisch, Samoan, Swedish



Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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