School of Technology [Malmö University]

"Technology and technological developments influence our society in a variety of ways and on a variety of levels. Similarly, society is influencing the direction of technological development. In order to understand the interplay between technology and society, educational courses must be multi-disciplinary, integrating different aspects of the technical and social sciences." Research: "Research at the School of Technology is carried out in the natural sciences, technology and the social sciences, including a wide range of topics such as: Chemistry, Employment in the 21st Century, Gender and Ethnicity in Higher Education, ICT Politics, Environment, Material Science, Applied Mathematics and Process Automation. The research is under development and the majority of the research environments are multidisciplinary, creating the ideal conditions for partnerships across traditional subject boundaries. Studies into the social and political context of technology and science, and its impact on people’s conduct and political decisions. The study of identity and power in relation to scientific advances and technical changes is a key issue in the umbrella research field of Science, Technology and Society. Subjects included in the programme are political science, gender studies, environmental science and work science."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Malmö University: Malmö, SE <>


Englisch, Swedish



Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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