Simon Online - wiki edition of Simon Ianuensis' clavis sanationis


Zipser, Barbara

"Simon Online is a joint edition and translation project of Simon of Genoa's clavis sanationis. In essence, it is an electronic book written collectively by a number of researchers. The decision to open the project up to a larger group of participants was mainly motivated by the complex nature of the clavis. Not only does it draw on a number of sources which are not yet edited to modern standard, it also covers highly specialized terminology in at least three different languages, in Latin, Greek and Arabic. Any research on those sources requires an in depth study of the clavis, and vice versa. This website provides a transcription of an early printing of the clavis along with photographs of the book. It was chosen because it presents a good version of the text; it was also easily available in high resolution photographs. Its main purpose it to serve as a starting point. The main intended outcomes of the project are a translation and edition of the text with explanatory notes. As a byproduct, the lemmata can also serve as a bibliography to the materia medica discussed."



United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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