European Communications and Transport Infrastructures: Performance and Potentials, 1825 - 2000


Andreas Kunz / Hans Buiter

Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte: Mainz, DE

"This atlas combines some forty maps on the statistical dimension of communications and transport in Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries. Not the infrastructures themselves are the object of our inquiry, but rather the economic potential they represented once they had been built, as well as the economic performance they then achieved in the different countries of Europe since 1820. At the core of the mapping, therefore, lies a statistical comparison by country. Aside of the maps, all data underlying their construction have been given in tabular format as PDF-documents. In addition, short texts have been includeded to introduce the series (by info-button) as well as the maps (by PDF-document) and to add some background to both."
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Thomas Meyer
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