got value....array(31) { ["title"]=> string(87) "The DEFA Film Library Cinema of East Germany at the University of Massachusetts Amherst" ["clio:contributorName"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(13) "Meyer, Thomas" } ["clio:hasPublished"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(6) { ["id"]=> int(3279) ["clio_contentType"]=> string(11) "webresource" ["rdaRoles_contributor"]=> int(8233) ["rda_titleManifestation"]=> string(87) "The DEFA Film Library Cinema of East Germany at the University of Massachusetts Amherst" ["clio_url"]=> string(26) "" ["clio_objectStatus"]=> int(2) } } ["R:cliowf:relatedPublishingWorkflow"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { ["D:cliowf:PublishingWorkflow"]=> array(6) { ["cliowf:assigneeName"]=> string(13) "Meyer, Thomas" ["clio:objectStatus"]=> int(2) ["cliowf:segment"]=> int(512) ["cliowf:channel"]=> string(4) "CLIO" ["cliowf:datePublished"]=> string(20) "2003-10-13T18:38:00Z" ["R:cliowf:relatedAssignee"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["D:clio:PersonProfile"]=> array(7) { ["clio:contentType"]=> string(11) "contributor" ["cmis:objectId"]=> string(15) "beitraeger-8233" ["clio:organizationId"]=> int(9652) ["foaf:givenName"]=> string(6) "Thomas" ["foaf:familyName"]=> string(5) "Meyer" ["foaf:mbox"]=> string(30) "" ["hsk:accessStatus"]=> int(3) } } } } ["EntityType"]=> string(12) "Organization" } } ["R:clio:relatedVcard"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["D:vcard:Vcard"]=> array(12) { ["clio:vcardSummary"]=> string(186) "vcard:title=Kontakt;vcard:code=01003;vcard:locality=Amherst;vcard:street=504 Herter Hall;;vcard:phone=413 / 5456681;vcard:url=;" ["cmis:objectId"]=> string(4) "2868" ["vcard:street"]=> string(15) "504 Herter Hall" ["vcard:code"]=> string(5) "01003" ["vcard:locality"]=> string(7) "Amherst" ["vcard:country"]=> string(2) "US" ["vcard:email"]=> string(21) "" ["vcard:phone"]=> string(13) "413 / 5456681" ["vcard:fax"]=> string(13) "413 / 5773808" ["vcard:ext"]=> string(41) "Dept. of Germanic Languages & Literatures" ["vcard:url"]=> string(26) "" ["vcard:title"]=> string(7) "Kontakt" } } } ["hsk:categories"]=> array(0) { } ["rda2:preferredNameForTheCorporateBody"]=> string(87) "The DEFA Film Library Cinema of East Germany at the University of Massachusetts Amherst" ["clio:corpManagement"]=> string(49) "Director: Prof. Barton Byg " ["clio:corpEmployees"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpHistory"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpPublications"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpOrganisation"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpResearch"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpContact"]=> string(43) "Dr. Sky Arndt-Briggs " ["clio:corpRemarks"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpInventory"]=> string(0) "" ["cmis:objectId"]=> string(18) "organization-13645" ["cm:created"]=> string(20) "2003-09-12T10:09:00Z" ["cm:modified"]=> string(20) "2003-10-13T18:10:00Z" ["cm:createdBy"]=> string(14) "Kokisch, Andre" ["cm:modifiedBy"]=> string(16) "Brodersen, Maren" ["clio:contentType"]=> string(12) "organization" ["clio_note"]=> string(17) "migriert von clio" ["clio:subjectHeadings"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(4) "Film" [1]=> string(6) "Medien" [2]=> string(3) "DDR" [3]=> string(4) "DEFA" [4]=> string(4) "Film" [5]=> string(5) "Media" [6]=> string(3) "GDR" } ["clio:idArchive"]=> string(5) "13645" ["clio:tableArchive"]=> string(0) "" ["R:rdaRoles:contributor"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["D:clio:PersonProfile"]=> array(7) { ["clio:contentType"]=> string(11) "contributor" ["cmis:objectId"]=> string(15) "beitraeger-8233" ["clio:organizationId"]=> int(9652) ["foaf:givenName"]=> string(6) "Thomas" ["foaf:familyName"]=> string(5) "Meyer" ["foaf:mbox"]=> string(30) "" ["hsk:accessStatus"]=> int(3) } } } ["cliowf:originator"]=> string(4) "CLIO" ["clio:objectStatus"]=> int(2) ["cliowf:workflowStatus"]=> int(14) ["clio:contentTypeRelated"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(2) "lb" } } The DEFA Film Library Cinema of East Germany at the University of Massachusetts Amherst | Clio-online

The DEFA Film Library Cinema of East Germany at the University of Massachusetts Amherst



United States
504 Herter Hall
Dept. of Germanic Languages & Literatures
413 / 5456681
413 / 5773808


Dr. Sky Arndt-Briggs


Director: Prof. Barton Byg

Zugehörige Webressourcen

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