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["clio:corpContact"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpRemarks"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpInventory"]=> string(406) "The Wiener Library specialises in the Holocaust, antisemitism, the rise and fall of the Third Reich and fascist ideologies, and modern Jewish history. The collection comprises books, periodicals, unpublished memoirs, original documents, eyewitness testimonies, press cuttings, photographs, and audio-visual resources. For more details on our collections and online finding aids please refer to our website." 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The Wiener Library



United Kingdom
29 Russell Square
The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide
020 / 76367247
020 / 74366428


Ben Barkow, Director; Katharina Hübschmann, Senior Librarian


1934 gegründet


Wiener Library News [online newsletter]


The Wiener Library holds a digital copy of the ITS Archive (International Tracing Service) and is fostering research into this collection.


The Wiener Library specialises in the Holocaust, antisemitism, the rise and fall of the Third Reich and fascist ideologies, and modern Jewish history. The collection comprises books, periodicals, unpublished memoirs, original documents, eyewitness testimonies, press cuttings, photographs, and audio-visual resources. For more details on our collections and online finding aids please refer to our website.

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