Researcher am Max Planck Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie

Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Assoziiert am ZZF Potsdam
Wiss. Mitarbeiter am IZT Berlin

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

A Transnational History of European Environmental Law
Bürgerdialog Kernenergie (1974-1983)
HoNESt - History of Nuclear Energy and Society
Berlin-Brandenburger Colloquium für Umweltgeschichte mit Astrid M. Kirchhof,
History of the European Commission Part III (HistCOM III) - Environmental Policy 1986-2004
Chernobyl's Political Consequences, Authors' workshop 2017 in cooperation with the Boell Foundation
Chernobyl - Turning Point or Catalyst, International Conference in cooperation with Boell-Foundation 2016
Marie Curie Reintegration Projekt:
"Transnational Networks in European Environmental Policy – Path Dependent or Learning" (2010-14)
Marie Curie Postdoc Projekt: Protecting the environment: Transnational Networks in the Emergence of a new EC Policy in the 1970s
Dissertationsprojekt "Europäische Öffentlichkeit 1969-1991" (abgeschlossen)

Frühere Position(en)

Associate ProfessorWorkpackage Manager im HoNESt Projekt "History of Nuclear Energy and Society"
Associate Professor in European Studies NTNU Trondheim
Rachel Carson Fellow, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU / Deutsches Museum Munich
Postdoctoral Research Fellow /Assistant Professor Aarhus Universitet
Freie Universität Berlin, Kollegforschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe" Postdoc,
University of Portsmouth, CEIRS, Marie-Curie-Fellow
Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (HU), Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut (FU)
Stipendiat Graduiertenkolleg Das Neue Europa, HU Berlin
Gastforscher am Europäischen Hochschulinstitut, Florenz
Stipendiat Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz


Monographien (und Dissertation)

2010. The European Public Sphere. Media and Transnational Communication in European Integration 1969-1991. (Studies on the History of European Integration 10, edited by Jürgen Elvert). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.


Journal Articles
Hasenöhrl, U.; Meyer, J.-H.: The Energy Challenge in Historical Perspective. Technology and Culture 61 (1), S. 295 - 306 (2020)
Kaijser, A.; Meyer, J.-H.: Nuclear Installations at the Border. Transnational connections and international implications. An Introduction. Journal for the History of Environment and Society = Revue histoire, environnement et société = Zeitschrift für die Geschichte von Umwelt und Gesellschaft 3, S. 1 - 32 (2018)
Kaijser, A.; Meyer, J.-H.: "The World’s Worst Located Nuclear Power Plant": Danish and Swedish Cross-Border Perspectives on the Barsebäck Nuclear Power Plant. Journal for the History of Environment and Society = Revue histoire, environnement et société = Zeitschrift für die Geschichte von Umwelt und Gesellschaft 3, S. 71 - 105 (2018)
Meyer, Jan-Henrik. 2017. "Who Should Pay for Pollution? The OECD, the European Communities and the Emergence of Environmental Policy in the early 1970s." European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire.
2014. Transnationale Geschichte. Eine Perspektive. In Historische Mitteilungen der Ranke-Gesellschaft HMRG, Vol. 26 (2013/14), No. 1, 145-161.
(with Astrid M. Kirchhof) 2014. Global Anti-Nuclear Protest. Transfer and Transnational Exchange in the 1970s and 1980s. In Historical Social Research. Vol. 39, No. 1, 165-190.
2014. Where do we go from Wyhl? Transnational Anti-Nuclear Protest in the 1970s. In Historical Social Research. Vol. 39, No. 1, 212-235.
2012. L'européanisation de la politique environnementale dans les années 1970. In Vingtième Siècle. No. 113, 117-126.
2011. Green Activism. The European Parliament's Environmental Committee promoting a European Environmental Policy in the 1970s. In Journal of European Integration History. Vol. 17, No. 1, 73-85, available from: [].
2010. Greening Europe? Environmental interest groups and the Europeanization of a new policy field. In Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Vol. 20, No. 3, 83-104.
(with Wolfram Kaiser) 2010. Non-state actors in European integration in the 1970s. Towards a Polity of Transnational Contestation. In Comparativ. Vol. 20. No. 3, 7-24.

Working Papers (peer reviewed)
2013. Zivilgesellschaftliche Mobilisierung und die frühe europäische Umweltpolitik. Die Vogelschutzrichtlinie der Europäischen Gemeinschaften von 1979. In Themenportal Europäische Geschichte,
2011. Appropriating the Environment. How the European Institutions received the Novel Idea of the Environment and made it their own. KFG-Working Paper No. 31, Research College "The Transformative Power of Europe", Free University Berlin,
2009. Der Haager Gipfel 1969. Von den Krisen der 1960er Jahre zum europäischen politischen System. In Themenportal Europäische Geschichte,

Book chapters (peer reviewed)
(with W. Kaiser) 2017. International Organizations and Environmental Protection in the Global Twentieth Century. In: International Organizations and Environmental Protection. Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer. New York: Berghahn, 1-29.
2017. From Nature to Environment: International Organisations and Environmental Protection before Stockholm. In: International Organizations and Environmental Protection. Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer. New York: Berghahn, 31-73.
2017. Making the Polluter Pay. How the European Communities established Environmental Protection. In: International Organizations and Environmental Protection. Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer. New York: Berghahn, 182-210.
(with W. Kaiser) 2017. Setting Agendas, Building Institutions and Shaping Binding International Commitments. In: International Organizations and Environmental Protection. Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer. New York: Berghahn, 317-332.
2016. Der Haager Gipfel 1969. Von den Krisen der 1960er Jahre zum europäischen politischen System. In: Geschichte der europäischen Integration bis 1989. Quellen und Essays, edited by H. Kaelble and R. Hohls. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 163-174.
(with W. Kaiser) 2013. Beyond Governments and Supranational Institutions. Societal Actors in European Integration. In Societal Actors in European Integration. Polity-Building and Policy-Making 1958-1992, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer. Basingstoke. Palgrave, 1-14.
2013. Challenging the Atomic Community. The European Environmental Bureau and the Europeanization of Anti-Nuclear Protest. In Societal Actors in European Integration. Polity-Building and Policy-Making 1958-1992, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 197-220.
(with W. Kaiser) 2013. Polity-Building and Policy-Making. Societal Actors in European Integration. In Societal Actors in European Integration. Polity-Building and Policy-Making 1958-1992, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer. Basingstoke. Palgrave, 244-262.
2012. A good European – Hans Edgar Jahn – Anti-Bolshevist, Cold-Warrior, Environmentalist, In Living Political Biography. Narrating 20th Century European Lives, edited by A.C. L. Knudsen and K. Gram-Skjoldager. Aarhus: University of Aarhus Press, 137-159.
2010. Saving Migrants: a Transnational Network supporting Supranational Bird Protection Policy in the 1970s. In Transnational Networks in Regional Integration. Informal Governance in Europe 1945-83, edited by W. Kaiser, M. Gehler, and B. Leucht. Basingstoke. Palgrave, 176-198.
2009. Tracing Transnational Communication in the European Public Sphere: the Summit of The Hague 1969. In The History of the European Union: Origins of a Trans- and Supranational Polity. 1950-72, edited by W. Kaiser, B. Leucht and M. Rasmussen. London: Routledge, 110-128.

Other book chapters
2017. "Bürgerschaftliches Engagement über Grenzen? Europäische Umweltpolitik und transnationale Vernetzung von Umweltgruppen in den 1970er Jahren." In Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung. Infrastrukturen, Akteure, Diskurs, edited by Jens Ivo Engels, Nina Janich, Jochen Monstadt and Dieter Schott. Frankfurt: Campus.
2014. Getting started: Agenda-setting in European Environmental Policy in the 1970s. In The Institutions and Dynamics of the European Community, 1973-83, edited by J. Laursen. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
2013. Un faux départ? Les acteurs français dans la politique environnementale européenne des années 1970. In Une protection de l'environnement à la française, XIXe-XXe siècles, edited by J.-F. Mouhot and C.-F. Mathis. Paris: éditions Champ Vallon, 120-130.
2008. The Fall and Rise of the European Public Sphere. Path Dependent Responses to European Integration. In Europa Vicina e Lontana. Idee e percorsi dell'integrazione europea, edited by F. Di Sarcina, L. Grazi and L. Scichilone. Florence: Centro editoriale toscano: 327-340.
Meyer, Jan-Henrik (2007): A European Public Sphere at the summits of The Hague (1969) and Paris (1974)? Common issues and frames in British, French and German newspapers. In: Beyond the Customs Union. The European Community's Quest for Deepening, Widening and Completion 1969-1975, edited by J. van der Harst. Bruxelles: Bruylant. 341-357.
Meyer, Jan-Henrik (2007): Was there a European public sphere at the Summit of The Hague 1969? An analysis of discourses on the legitimacy of the EC. In: Bitsch, Marie-Thérèse / Loth, Wilfried / Barthel, Charles (eds): Cultures politiques, opinions publiques et intégration européenne. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 227-245.
Meyer, Jan-Henrik (2006): (De-)Constructing legitimacy in the European public sphere. German, French and British newspaper comments on the «Constitution» summit 2004. In: Marton, Silvia (ed.): Europe in its Making. Bucharest: Institutul European, 33-53. Accessible:
Meyer, Jan-Henrik (2004): Europäische Öffentlichkeit aus historischer Sicht. In: Preuß, Ulrich K. / Franzius, Claudio (Hg.): Europäische Öffentlichkeit. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 209-227.

Herausgeberschaften und Editionen

2017. International Organizations and Environmental Protection. Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer, New York: Berghahn.
2014. Global Protest against Nuclear Power. Transfer and Transnational Exchange in the 1970s and 1980s, edited by A. M. Kirchhof and J.-H. Meyer, Special issue of Historical Social Research Vol. 39, No. 1.
2013. Societal Actors in European Integration. Polity-Building and Policy-Making 1958-1992, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
2010. Non-State Actors in European Integration in the 1970s, edited by W. Kaiser and J.-H. Meyer. Special issue of Comparativ Vol. 20. No. 3.

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Forschungsinteressen und Arbeitsgebiete

Geschichte und Politik europäischer Integration, Europäische Geschichte, Kollektive Erinnerung / Gedächtnisorte, transnationale Geschichte, internationale Geschichte, Geschichte Internationaler Organisationen, Zeitgeschichte, Umweltgeschichte, Energiegeschichte, Geschichte von Atomkraft und Gesellschaft