
Institute of World History

Russian Academy of Sciences


12249 Berlin



Forschung und Projekte

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

The Emergence of 'Noveishaia istoriya': periodization of contemporary history in the USSR.
American Televangelists and the image of the United States in the Late Soviet Union and early independent Russian Federation.
Cybernatics in the USSR during Reforms and Stagnation

Frühere Position(en)

Research Fellow, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences
Assistant Professor, State Academic University for the Humanities, Department of History
Assistant Professor, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of International Relations


Monographien (und Dissertation)

Dissertation: 'Economical Aspects of the Isolationism Policy of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge Administrations in the United States in 1921-1928.'


John Turchin’s and his Wife Letters to A.I. Hertsen and the Methods of Source-Critical Study of Letters, in Studies in Primary Sources. Vol. 2. Ed. by acad. A.O. Chubarian. Moscow, 2004. pp. 194-218.
Open and Original Culture: Ethno-Cultural Dialogue: Russia and the United States, the 1880-1920’s, in Interrelations of Cultures in the Historical Context / Proceedings of a Conference: 27-28.11.2003. Moscow, 2005.
Herbert Hoover Activities as a Secretary of Commerce of the USA: 1921—1928, in “Amerikanskiy Ezhegodnik 2007” (American Yearbook 2007). Moscow, 2009.
Conservative Changes in the US Immigration Policy in the 1920s, in “History: Electronic Scholarly and Educational Journal”, Moscow, 2012. Vol 1 (9).
American Historiography of Heraldry, in “Signum”, Moscow, 2012. Vol. 6.
Economic Development, Demographic Transition and Mass Migrations, in World History: in 6 Vols. / Chief Editor A.O. Chubaryan. Vol. 5: World in the XIXth Century: On the Way to the Industrial Civilization, V.S. Mirzekhanov (ed.). Moscow: Nauka, 2014. pp. 42-72. (with V.A. Meliantsev and V.S. Mirzekhanov).
“What about Europe?” The Victors and The Vanquished in the World War I through American Intellectual’s eyes. Lewis Kennedy Morse to Charles Evans Hughes, 7 December, 1922, in Studies in Primary Sources. Vol. 6, Ed. by S. Volfson and T. Guimon. Moscow: Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014.
American Federation of Labor, in Russian Historical Encyclopedia, Ed. by A.O. Chubarian. Moscow: OLMA-PRESS, 2011 (2nd ed. – 2015).

Herausgeberschaften und Editionen

Studies in Primary Sources. Vol. 3 / Ed. by acad. A.O. Chubarian. Moscow, 2006.; Vol. 4. Moscow, 2007; Power, Society and Personality in History / Abstracts of a Conference. Moscow, 2006.
200 years of US—Russian Relations: Science and Education / Ed. by B.A. Ruble, A.O. Chubarian, A. Yu. Petrov, S.B. Volfson, M.M. Sirotinskaya, M.A. Yasenchak, M. Yu. Dobczansky. Moscow, 2007
US—Russian Relations in XVIII–XIX centuries / Ed.: M.M. Sirotinskaya, M.A. Filimonova, S.B. Volfson, V.A. Koleneko. Moscow, 2008.
Russia—USA: Politics and Diplomacy in XX-XXI centuries / Ed. N.I. Egorova, S.B. Volfson, A.A. Isserov. Moscow: Olma-Press, 2008.
World History in Personalities, Ed. by A.A. Krasova, S.B. Volfson et al. Readers Digest, 2009. 264 pp.
Electronic Scientific and Educational Journal «History», Volume 5 (21): Laboratory of a Historian: Source and Method (Part I), Ed. by Marina Vinokurova, Samuel Volfson, German Gigolaev, Timofey Guimon, Andrey Isserov and Nataliya Samokhvalova. Moscow: Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013.
Electronic Scientific and Educational Journal «History», Volume 4 (27): Scholars, Knowledge and Power in Colonial and Continental Empires, Ed by S.B. Volfson, V.S. Mirzekhanov and O.V. Okuneva. Moscow: Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014.
Electronic Scientific and Educational Journal «History», Volume 5 (38): History and Cyberspace: Network Culture and Historical Knowledge Today, Ed. by M.A. Lipkin and S.B. Volfson. Moscow: Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015.
Electronic Scientific and Educational Journal «History», Volume 6 (39): Laboratory of a Historian: Source and Method (Part II), Ed. by Marina Vinokurova, Samuel Volfson, German Gigolaev, Timofey Guimon, Andrey Isserov and Nataliya Samokhvalova. Moscow: Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015.
World History: in 6 Vols. / Chief Editor A.O. Chubaryan. Vol. 5: World in the XIXth Century: On the Way to the Industrial Civilization, V.S. Mirzekhanov (ed.). Moscow: Nauka, 2014. 940 pp.
Studies in Primary Sources. Vol. 6, Ed. by S. Volfson and T. Guimon. Moscow: Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014.

Forschungsinteressen und Arbeitsgebiete

economic history, history of science and technology, global history, transnational history, US history, Russian and Soviet History, history of ideas,