Monographien (und Dissertation)
The Middle East and the Making of the Modern World (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2017).
Who Is Knowledgeable, Is Strong: Science, Class, and the Formation of Modern Iranian Society, 1900-1950 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009).
“The Expanding Overlap of Imperial, International and Transnational Political Activities, 1920s-1930s: a Belgian Case Study,” part of a special issue of International Politics (2017) DOI 10.1057/s41311-017-0109-x.
"The Inter-war Germination of Development and Modernization Theory and Practice: Politics, Institution Building, and Knowledge Production between the Rockefeller Foundation and the American University of Beirut,” Geschichte und Gesellschaft 41 (2015): 649–684.
“Three questions for historians of science in the modern Middle East and North Africa,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 47:3 (2015): 588-591, a contribution to an International Journal of Middle East Studies Roundtable on the History of Science.
“Ha-yishuv ke-helek mi-Suria ha-gdola be-tkufat ha-milhama,” [The Yishuv as Part of Greater Syria in the War] Zmanim 126 (2014): 8-15 [in Hebrew].
“Small Is Beautiful,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 46 (2014): 373-375, a contribution to an International Journal of Middle East Studies Roundtable on Social History.
“1958 Reconsidered. State Formation and Cold War in the Early Post-Colonial Arab Middle East,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 41 (2013): 421-43.
“Iran’s Karaj Dam Affair: Emerging Mass Consumerism, the Politics of Promise and the Cold War in the Early Post-war Third World,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 54:3 (2012): 612-43.
“‘Who’s Who in Syria?’ A Note on a Historical Source from the Mid-Twentieth Century,” Critique 20:2 (2011): 219-24.
“The Many Worlds of Abud Yasin, or: What Narcotics Trafficking in the Interwar Middle East Can Tell Us about Territorialization,” American Historical Review 116:2 (2011): 273-306.
“‘Seeing Like a State’. An Essay on the Historiography of Modern Iran,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 42 (2010): 37-61.
“A Reply to Nikki Keddie,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 42 (2010): 544-45.
“‘Recent Trends in the Historiography of Iran under the Pahlavi Dynasty (1921-1979)”, History Compass 6:6 (2008): 1400-1406.
“The Social Relevance of Knowledge: Science and the Formation of Modern Iran, 1910-1940s” Middle Eastern Studies 43:6 (2007): 941-60.
“The Development of Social Insurance in Iran: Technical-Financial Conditions and Political Rationales, 1941-1960”, Iranian Studies 39:4 (2006): 540-68.
“Criminal-Women and Mother-Women. Socio-Cultural Transformations and the Critique of Criminality in Early Post-World War Two Iran”, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 2:3 (2006): 1-21.
“Serial Murder in Tehran: Crime, Science, and the Formation of Modern State and Society in Interwar Iran”, Journal for Comparative Studies in Society and History 47:4 (2005): 836-62.
“‘Aql-i Salīm dar Jism-i Sālim Ast: Texts and Contexts in the Iranian Modernists’ Scientific Discourse of Health, 1910s-1940s”, International Journal of Middle East Studies 37:2 (2005): 167-88.
“Hygiene, Eugenics, Genetics, and the Perception of Demographic Crisis in Iran, 1910s-1940s”, Critique: Journal for Critical Studies of the Middle East 13:3 (2004): 335-61.
“Orientalism Enters the Cold War: The New York Times’ Coverage of Iran under Mosaddeq”, JUSUR: The UCLA Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 20 (Fall 2004).
“Sport, Health, and the Iranian Modern Middle Class, 1920s and 1930s”, Iranian Studies 35:4 (2002): 1-30.
“The Empire Strikes Back: Iran in the Global 1970s,” in Global Iran, ed. Roham Alvandi (press tba).
“Concluding remarks,” in Mandates and Minorities, ed. Heleen Murre-van den Berg (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming (fall 2017)).
“Middle Eastern Reflections on the Interplay between Intra-imperial, Trans-Imperial, and Transnational Dimensions of Developmentalism, 1880s-1960s,” in Global Development, ed. Erez Manela (forthcoming, 2017).
A review of Nathan Citino’s Envisioning the Arab Future, or: Thinking With and Beyond ‘The Region’,” an H-Diplo roundtable essay of Nathan Citino’s Envisioning the Arab Future, summer 2017.
“Switch-cities, decolonization, and globalization: Singapore, Beirut, Dakar,” in the academic website Afro-Asian Visions, August 2017.
“The Man in the Middle: Developmentalism and Cold War at AUB’s Economic Research Institute in-between the U.S. and the Middle East, 1952-1967,” in 150 years AUB. Commemorative Volume, ed. Nadia El Cheikh and Bilal Orfali (Beirut: AUB Press, 2016), 105-119.
“Concluding Remarks: Writing AUB History in a Global Age,” co-authored with Aleksandra Kobiljski, in 150 years AUB, 329-336.
“The Mandates and/as Decolonization,” in Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates, ed. Cyrus Schayegh and Andrew Arsan (London: Routledge, 2015), 412-419.
“Introduction,” co-authored with Andrew Arsan, in Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates, 1-24.
“Introduction to Part 2” and “Introduction to Part 3”, in The Routledge History of the Middle East Mandates.
“Introduction,” co-authored with Liat Kozma and Avner Wishnitzer, in A Global Middle East (London: Tauris, 2014), 1-15.
“On Scales and Spaces: Reading Gottlieb Schumacher’s The Jaulân (1888),” in A Global Middle East, 19-54.
“A History of Eugenics in Iran,” in Alison Bashford and Philippa Levine, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the History of Eugenics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 449-61.
“The Population as a National Resource: an Iranian Press Article, 1937”, in Camron Amin (eds.): The Modern Middle East: A Sourcebook for History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006), 623-26.
“Crime and Society in Iran: Press and Court Transcripts, 1934”, in Camron Amin (eds.): The Modern Middle East: A Sourcebook for History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006), 62-64.
Herausgeberschaften und Editionen
1. The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates (London: Routledge, 2015), co-edited with Andrew Arsan.
2. A Global Middle East: Mobility, Materiality and Culture in the Modern Age, 1880-1940 (London: Tauris, 2014), co-edited with Liat Kozma and Avner Wishnitzer.