Prof. Dr. Heike Joens

Professor of Geography

Geography & Environment

Loughborough University

Epinal Way


LE11 3TU Loughborough

+44 1509 228199

Forschung und Projekte

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

Sabbatical for all? The origins, development and geographies of academic travel at Harvard University and the University of California at Berkeley, 1870-1960

The role of academic travel in the emergence of the German research university, c. 1700-1914


Monographien (und Dissertation)

Jöns, H (2003) Grenzüberschreitende Mobilität und Kooperation in den Wissenschaften: Deutschlandaufenthalte US-amerikanischer Humboldt-Forschungspreisträger aus einer erweiterten Akteursnetzwerkperspektive, Universität Heidelberg, ISBN: 3885701162.

Jöns, H and Klagge, B (1997) Bankwesen und Regionalstruktur in Ungarn: Eine Analyse der Filialnetzstrukturen und -strategien aus regionalwirtschaftlicher Perspektive, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, ISBN: 3700126778.


Jöns, H, Heffernan, M, Bond, DW (2021) Unity in bronze: German universities and the 250th anniversary of the Royal Society, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, pp.1-37, ISSN: 0035-9149. DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2020.0051.

Jöns, H (2020) The modern discipline. In The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography, SAGE, pp.47-74, ISBN: 9781526404558.

Tebbett, N, Jons, H, Hoyler, M (2020) Openness towards diversity? Cultural homophily in student perceptions of teaching and learning provided by international and home academics, Globalisation, Societies and Education, ISSN: 1476-7724. DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2020.1835464.

Heffernan, M and Jöns, H (2018) ‘A small town of character’: Locating a new Scottish university, 1963-1965. In Meusburger, P, Heffernan, M, Suarsana, L (eds) Geographies of the University, Springer, pp.1-46. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-75593-9.

Jöns, H (2018) The international transfer of human geographical knowledge in the context of shifting academic hegemonies, Geographische Zeitschrift, 106(1), pp.27-37, ISSN: 0016-7479. DOI: 10.25162/gz-2018-0003.

Jöns, H (2017) Feminizing the university: The mobilities, careers, and contributions of early female academics in the University of Cambridge, 1926-1955, The Professional Geographer, pp.1-13, ISSN: 1467-9272. DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2017.1289778.

Jöns, H, Monk, J, Keighren, IM (2017) Introduction: Towards more inclusive and comparative perspectives in the histories of geographical knowledge, The Professional Geographer, pp.1-6, ISSN: 0033-0124. DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2017.1288572.

Jöns, H (2017) The University of Cambridge, academic expertise, and the British empire, 1885–1962. In Mobilities of Knowledge, Springer, pp.185-210, ISBN: 978-3-319-44654-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44654-7_10.

Jöns, H, Heffernan, M, Meusburger, P (2017) Mobilities of knowledge: an introduction. In Mobilities of Knowledge, Springer, pp.1-20, ISBN: 9783319446530. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44654-7_1.

Jöns, H and Freytag, T (2016) Boundary spanning in social and cultural geography, Social and Cultural Geography, 17(1), pp.1-22, ISSN: 1470-1197. DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2015.1126628.

Jöns, H (2016) Modern school and university. In Lightman, B (ed) A Companion to the History of Science, Wiley-Blackwell, pp.310-327, ISBN: 978-1-118-62077-9.

Herausgeberschaften und Editionen

Jöns, H, Meusburger, P, Heffernan, M (eds) (2017) Mobilities of Knowledge, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-44653-0.

Meusburger, P, Livingstone, DN, Jöns, H (ed) (2010) Geographies of Science, Springer, ISBN: 9789048186105. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-8611-2.

Meusburger, P and Jöns, H (ed) (2001) Transformations in Hungary: Essays in Economy and Society, Physica, ISBN: 3790814121.

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