Supurna Banerjee (Juniorprof.)

Assistant Professor

Political Science

Institute of Development Studies Kolkata

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Assistant Professor, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata


Monographien (und Dissertation)

-Limits of Bargaining: Capital, Labour and the State in Contemporary India. Cambridge University Press, 2019 (co-authored with A. Chakrabarty, S. Chowdhury and Z Mahmood).
-Activism and Agency in India: Nurturing Resistance in the Tea Plantations, Routledge Edinburgh South Asia series. (Also published as South Asian edition in May 2019)


- (Forthcoming). "Solidarities in and through Resistance: rethinking alliance building through protests in plantations in India" in Moving the Social 63.
- (2018)“From ‘Plantation Workers’ to Naukrānī: The Changing Labour Discourses of Migrant Domestic Workers” in Journal of South Asian Studies 13(2) SI 'Women’s Paid Domestic-Care Labour: Ethnographic Studies from Globalizing India'.
- (2018)“Introduction. Debating Intersectionalities: Challenges for a Methodological Framework” (co-author) in South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal 19 (co-authored with Nandini Ghosh).
-(2017) ‘Too Much or Too Little? Paradoxes of Disability and Care Work in India’, in Review of Disability Studies 13(4) (co-authored with Nandini Ghosh)
-(2017) “Judicial intervention and industrial relations: exploring industrial dispute cases in West Bengal, India”, Industrial Law Journal 46(1) (co-authored with Zaad Mahmood)

Herausgeberschaften und Editionen

Chapters in Edited volumes:
- (2019) “Labour, Capital and (Dis)trust: Case studies from West Bengal” in Trust in Transactions, Orient Blackswan (co-authored with Subhanil Chowdhury)
-(2018) “Nationalism of Exclusion: Gaumata and her Unholy Sons” in Caste and Gender in Contemporary India: Power, Privilege and Politics, Routledge India.
- (2015) “We are still junglis to them: institutionalising marginalities among the Adivasis in Dooars” in edited collection on Institutionalising Marginal Actors in South Asia: Processes, Policies, Practices and Pitfalls.

Edited volume
2018-Caste and Gender in Contemporary India: Power, Privilege and Politics, Routledge India (co-edited with Nandini Ghosh)

Forschungsinteressen und Arbeitsgebiete

Gender, labour, migration, city, caste, intersectionality.