Prof. Dr. Sheldon Garon

Nissan Professor of History and East Asian Studies


Princeton University

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Nissan Professor, Department of History, Princeton University

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

The Global War on Civilians, 1905-1945," an ERC Advanced Grant project

Frühere Position(en)

Assistant and Associate Professor, Department of History, Princeton University


Monographien (und Dissertation)

Beyond Our Means: Why American Spends While the World Saves (2012)
Molding Japanese Minds: The State in Everyday Life (1997)
The State and Labor in Modern Japan (1987)


“Operation STARVATION, 1945: A Transnational History of Blockades and the Defeat of Japan.” The International History Review 46 (May 2024).7.
“On the Transnational Destruction of Cities: What Japan and the United States Learned from the Bombing of Britain and Germany in the Second World War,” Past & Present, no. 247 (May 2020).
“Transnational History and Japan’s ‘Comparative Advantage,’” Journal of Japanese Studies 43, no. 1 (Winter 2017).

Herausgeberschaften und Editionen

—and Patricia Maclachlan, eds., The Ambivalent Consumer: Questioning Consumption in East Asia and the West (2006).

Forschungsinteressen und Arbeitsgebiete

Global/transnational history (war and society, saving/consumption)
History of the world wars in Europe and East Asia
Modern Japanese history