The Plymouth Colony Archive Project at the University of Virginia


Deetz, James / Deetz, Patricia E.

This Plymouth Colony Archive presents a collection of searchable texts, including court records, Colony laws, 17th century texts, research and seminar analysis of various topics, biographical profiles of selected colonists, probate inventories, wills, maps, town and fort plans, architectural and material culture studies. Also published here for the first time are a Glossary and Notes on Plymouth Colony, Seventeenth Century Timber Framing, and Vernacular House Forms in Seventeenth Century Plymouth Colony: An Analysis of Evidence from the Plymouth Colony Room-by-Room Probate Inventories 1633-85, by Patricia Scott Deetz and James Deetz.
Technische Bereitstellung

Electronic Text Center - University of Virginia: Charlottesville, US (VA) <>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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