Scottish Parliament Project

The aim of the Scottish Parliament Project is "to create a new digital edition of the acts of the pre 1707 Scottish Parliament, to be published on CD-ROM and the internet. The previous edition of the acts was published between 1814 and 1875, edited by Thomas Thomson and Cosmo Innes. Since then, much new material has come to light, while other material excluded from the previous edition, such as committee minutes, will be added. The editorial techniques used by Thomson and Innes have long been seen as inadequate; as part of the new edition, all the text, whether in Latin or in Scots, will be translated into modern English, enabling computer searches on a theoretically infinite number of subjects, while the many sources which make up the proceedings of the Scottish Parliament will be properly cited." This site offers some example acts of parliament and gives information about the history of Scottish Parliament.
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

University of St Andrews: St Andrews, GB <>



United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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