The National Archives Learning Curve

This recently expanded learning center from the UK Public Record Office (PRO) explores British history with exhibitions, famous documents, special focus sections, and educational activities. The documents, which include the Domesday Book, the Magna Carta, Guy Fawke's confession, Shakespeare's will, the 1805 log from the HMS Victory (Nelson's flagship), the 1936 Abdication Instrument, and several others, are offered as digitized images along with annotations and transcripts. The Snapshots section currently contains 22 educational activities crafted around visual sources from the National Archives. A typical activity in the section uses several images and primary documents as a jumping off point for student questions, teacher's notes, and related links. The first of several planned exhibitions on the site explores changing political rights in nineteenth-century Britain with timelines highlighted by explanatory text, images, source documents, a glossary, and a teacher's guide (portions of the exhibit are still under construction). Numerous items are also offered in .pdf format for printing and classroom use. The current focus sections briefly explore the Domesday Book (aimed at a younger audience than the other features on the site) and British political cartoons. Planned future additions to the site include exhibitions on The Great War, Victorian Britain, and Twentieth-Century Heroes and Villains. The site is intended for secondary school audiences in Britain, but instructors in other areas teaching British or European history classes in secondary schools or perhaps to freshman university students may also find the site useful. (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2002.
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The National Archives Learning Curve: London, GB <>



United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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