Famous American Trials


Linder, Douglas (University of Missouri-Kansas City, (UMKC) Law School)

This site contains accounts, maps, photos, transcript excerpts and other materials relating to famous American trials, including the Leopold & Loeb Trial, the Scopes Monkey Trial, the Andersonville Court Martial, the Scottsboro Boys Trials, the Haymarket Trial, The Lincoln Assassination Trials, the Manson Trial, the My Lai Courts-Martial, the Kelly Michaels Trial, and the Hauptmann (Lindbergh Kidnapping) Trial. In addition, there are links to other trials sites.
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Technische Bereitstellung

School of Law - University of Missouri-Kansas City: Kansas City, US (MO) <http://www.law.umkc.edu/>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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