Talking History. Aural History Productions


[Director and Executive Producer] Zahavi, Gerald (Department of History, University at Albany) / [Producer] McCormick, Susan (Department of History, University at Albany)

"Talking History, based at the University at Albany, State University of New York, is a radio and aural history production, distribution, and instructional center. Our mission is to provide teachers, students, researchers and the general public with as broad and outstanding a collection of audio documentaries, speeches, debates, oral histories, conference sessions, commentaries, archival audio sources, and other aural history resources as is available anywhere. We hope to expand our understanding of history by exploring the audio dimensions of our past, and we hope to enlarge the tools and venues of historical research and publication by promoting production of radio documentaries and other forms of aural history. In addition to our weekly radio program, we are engaged in numerous educational efforts, from running and sponsoring workshops to offering full-semester courses on radio production and oral history. Some of the most talented radio producers [u.a. Bryan Le Beau/OAH-Talking History] and engineers currently working in public and non-commercial radio now contribute to Talking History." Thematischer Schwerpunkt ist die amerikanische Geschichte. Im Archiv finden sich u.a. historische Radiosendungen wie z.B. "This is Our Enemy: Nazi Youth." von 1942.
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United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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