Centre for Science Studies

"Centre for Science Studies promotes interdisciplinary research across the boundaries of science, technology, and public policy.Our research problematises the construction of scientific knowledge and expert authority. We take diverse approaches including feminist STS, actor-network theory, cultural analyses of science, anthropological and postcolonial technoscience studies. Our work includes: * Health Technologies and New Reproductive Technologies * Large Technical Systems, Risk and Technical Catastrophe * Information and Communication Technologies, design and human-computer interaction * Critical innovation studies * Spatiality, Method, and Organisational analysis * Environmental Issues * Military Technologies Lancaster offers a lively and stimulating environment in which to develop research in science, technology and policy. Our expertise and interests extend across a range of departments including Sociology, Women's Studies, History, Health Research, Cultural Research, and Environmental Philosophy and Public Policy."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Lancaster University: Lancaster, UK <http://www.lancs.ac.uk/>




United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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