Center of the History of Japanese Industrial Technology

" The Center conducts surveys to determine the location and forms of the physical materials that tell the story of industrial technologies In Japan. The Center investigates the locations of physical materials that are considered "Historical Materials on Industrial Technology" in specific technological fields, In collaboration with related industrial associations and academic societies. Survey results are stored in a database, and are made accessible to the public via the Internet. Through surveys and research on the relationships between technological development and various social, cultural, and economic factors, the Center aims to achieve a compilation and systemization of the history of technologies, thus enabling an evaluation of the value contained In historical materials on industrial technology. The process of systemization Is conducted by experts in each technological field (Senior Researcher) or through contracting with academic organizations and other institutes."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Museum of Nature and Science: Tokyo, JAP <>


Englisch, Japanese



Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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