Digital Archive of Japan's 2011 Disasters

Enthalten in

Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University: Cambrigde, USA

"A project of Harvard University’s Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, the Digital Archive of Japan's 2011 Disasters is an evolving, collaborative space for citizens, researchers, students, and policy makers, and a site of shared memory for those most directly affected by these events. The digital archive is an advanced search engine for materials from all over the web, individuals’ testimonials, tweets, and content from international partners who are building digital repositories about the disasters. The site not only facilitates searching of materials, but allows users to create curated collections and interactive presentations on topics of interest to them. Collections and presentations can be shared publicly and enhance the value of the various items accessible through the archive. The archive also features an innovative map feature that visualizes all materials that are tagged with geographic information in real time."
Veröffentlicht durch

Englisch, Japanese


United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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