Cultures of History Forum


Imre Kertész Kolleg: Jena, DE

On its new website Cultures of History Forum the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena offers a wide range of views on the cultures of history in East Central and Southeastern Europe. In its two sections "Debating 20th Century History" and "Exhibiting 20th Century History" the Forum focusses on how these countries are coming to terms with their past. The focus is less on scholarly discourse, than on public debates and processes of interpreting history and on the way history is exhibited in museums. Debates on history in Eastern and Southeastern Europe are generally conducted in their respective national languages, rarely cross borders or cross paths with conversations in other countries of the region. The Cultures of History Forum aims to document the specificity of these discussions in English, thus making them accessible to a wider audience. It also provides an overview on the strategies and practices of exhibiting the 'recent' past of the 20th century in these countries. The content is accessible either through countries or themes. In addition to case studies in the two sections the Forum provides background information to the cultures of history in the region. All articles are accessible with a topic-related search option on issues like "Nationalism", "Cold War" or "Holocaust". All articles on the Forum are reviewed by the editorial board. Thanks to the cooperation with the Herder Institut in Marburg all articles will be marked by a DOI-Number and can therefore easily be found on the web. The articles will additionally be listed in the HeBis Catalogue to also make them accessible for users in libraries. The Cultures of History Forum is an ongoing project aiming at documenting the changes in the cultures of history in East Central and Southeastern Europe. We are constantly looking for contributions from all countries in the region for both sections. If you are interested in submitting a proposal please contact Juliane Tomann at
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Technische Bereitstellung

Universität Jena: Jena, DE <>





Veröffentlicht am
Joachim von Puttkamer
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