MedFilm has a new look!

Since 2011, the MedFilm online medical film platform hosted by the Université de Strasbourg has offered researchers, students and teachers access to contextualized audiovisual resources in the field of medical humanities. MedFilm currently includes more than 400 films, each with description and analysis that situates its production in historical and social context. Be it documentaries, commercials or talk shows, the MedFilm team regularly adds new resources to its database. In 2023, MedFilm has a brand-new look with its version 3.0: a new home page with thematic focuses, faster navigation, and organizing features better suited for teaching and research. MedFilm is fully accessible to all students, researchers and staff of international higher education institutions via EduGAIN. For any additional information, kindly contact us via email.
Veröffentlicht durch

Université de Strasbourg





Veröffentlicht am
Tricia Close-Koenig
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